Friday, November 27, 2009

Foto Friday: THANKFUL

It's Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. I don't anticipate much participation this week, but who knows~I might be surprised! Let's see who the diehards are!

Last week's challenge was THANKFUL.

I often write lists of things I am thankful for here on this blog, and I have far surpassed the broad and general "family. kids, husband" mindset. For this reason (and the fact that I wanted to actually CHALLENGE myself) I opted not to take pictures of things for which I am grateful but rather, to try and take a photo that evokes the FEELING of thankfulness.

To convey something intangible is actually quite a bit harder than I thought! I had something in my head involving a child, a field, a beautiful sky and sunglare. But the sun did not shine all week long! And of course, the few SHORT pokes out of clouds it DID make found me preparing for Thanksgiving and birthday days. In fact, all (but the bedtime one) were taken approximately 30 minutes ago! Cut me some slack this week, pretty please?

(my first ever camera-suspended-from-the-ceiling picture!!)

Anyone else participate this week? Anyone? ANYONE????

I am excited to see a few newbie's starting to pop in here and there so a review might be in order.

Each Friday a new challenge is presented for the upcoming week and everyone shares their photos of the last week's challenge. Because of the nature of a "challenge" the photos you post must be taken THE WEEK of the challenge. You may post archives photos ONLY if 1) you also include a the weekly challenge ATTEMPT and 2) you TELL that they are from your archives.

Anyone is welcome to participate in these challenges and we look forward to seeing everyone's contributions. If you participate:

Post your photo(s) to your blog (and when you do, please link back to this blog {you may use the button if you like} so that perhaps we can get lots of participants! Because, you know, the more the merrier!) Then simply link to your Foto Friday post with Mr. McLinky here so that we all can visit you and compare notes...

Most importantly~challenge yourself, but HAVE FUN doing it.

This week's challenge is: LITTLE FEET!! And hey, if you want to do BIG FEET, that would be ok too. ;-)

(Where do we come up with these?!?!)


  1. Hey Silly, your Mclinky is closed!
    I'll try posting later, mini T.G. this evening (hors d vours and dessert)
    I'll cut you all the slack you need. I haven't even taken pictures yet.....

  2. Oh, duh, your pictures- I love the one of Andrew praying- so sweet!
    I'm VERY impressed by hanging your camera from the ceiling, and I love the glow in the last one.

  3. thanks Bonnie! I never would have spotted that!

  4. I didn't do anything...sorry...I have a few photos on the 'ole camera...maybe I will post 'em, maybe not...I couldn't think of anything CREATIVE and I was so uninspired with the usual...

    'Nuff about me! Rebecca, these ARE BEAUTIFUL! I absolutely love the one of you and is it the Bible? And the one of you 'peeking' into the nursery/kids room!!!!!!!! Oh MY. And the little guy praying......ADORABLE! You photos are soooo wonderful! I LOVE 'EM!! ...and 'hanging a camera from the ceiling'???!!! WOW! That is so neat! GREAT, WONDERFUL, AWESOME, JOB!


  5. OH the one of you w/ your Bible and of Andrew praying are truly wonderful! By the way, how does one do a camera hanging from the ceiling photo?... :) You are just so creative!

    Would you like some craft stuff? Oh, I have a "pattern" to send you! They are so cool........ Coasters which we enlarged to use for place mats and "potholders".. Yeah no more burnt surfaces and they wash great!! Great scrap user!!

    Chris just found the recharger for the camera so it is charging as I "speak". We are off to town for now. Dropping off loads of clothes, magazines, books, etc. Where did all this stuff come from?

  6. Your pictures are amazing as usual.. but I want to know more about how to suspend a camera from the ceiling.. that is sooooooooo creative!!!

  7. I LOVE the one of you laying on photos kissing!! I didn't get any pics for this challenge. :-( I did get an early start on gratitude Monday though! :-)

    Have a great weekend!

  8. You look just like your sister in the one with all the pictures surrounding you, how sweet!

    Love the one with the Bible on your knee, lovely!

  9. WONDERFUL job! You accomplished your goal of expressing thankfulness and evoking a feeling of thankfulness in your pictures. I love them all, especially Panda praying and the last one with the glow.

  10. Looking again I really REALLY like the one with the book! The focus on the book and you blurred with a look of thankfulness. Your pose is perfect. The out of focus you with the focus on the book is actually REALLY good!!!

  11. Sorry to have been SO LATE in posting!! Read my post and you'll understand. LOVE the pics though - esp. the one with you and the Bible? I am assuming it was a Bible - love it! Impressive with the suspended camera, that I will have to try! :-) Take care!


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