Wednesday, December 23, 2009

On the Eve of Christmas Eve

On this Eve of Christmas Eve, I .........

  • have not even started the crafting for my children or husband. Um. HELP.
  • have three more projects to complete for extended family (though all three only require a *bit* more work
  • forgot entirely to make a cookie/candy tray for Mattie to take to work. And today is his last day until after the holidays. This is a MAJOR oversight in my book.
  • have SEVEN loads of laundry piled up on the schoolroom sofa and floor, to fold. It has been there (and been added to) for two days. I had been so busy crafting, shopping, baking, etc. that I forgot all about the laundry until we had no more undies, socks or shirts left between us. I knew if I didn't get cracking, I wouldn't get a chance until AFTER Christmas when we would have to lead clothing-optional lives.

This fact brings to mind several things:
  1. I am not accustomed to drying clothes in a dryer-you can accomplish A LOT with one of those in such a short period of time!
  2. I am terrified to open our electricity bill.
  3. we have ENTIRELY too many clothes!!!!
  4. The whole "One Sunday outfit, one for play and lots of aprons seems VERY appealing to me.
For the record-the only thing in my dirty clothes basket now is a hanky (that was hiding out in a pair of pants, two socks (of COURSE not matching) and a cloth napkin stowaway. that is, until tonight.

  • am being tempted to let my DVD player be a babysitter. (and that is SO not like me.) Don't worry, I haven't yet succumbed to the pressure.
  • have pompoms, pipecleaners and felt slathering the dininr room table.
  • have a craft room that can barely be walked in
  • haven't taken a new photograph in almost a week (with one exception)
  • am listening to Christmas carols constantly through the house and car (and I am not sick of them yet)
  • think hot cocoa is a very good thing
  • was shocked when I did animals chores this morning, a bit of water spilled on the patio and it froze in it's pile. It didn't even get a chance to spread. (No-I am not kidding.)
  • have a fridge needs a cleaning in the WORST way. I wish I could pay someone to do it.
  • watch as my children fill up stockings for their dolls and each other-and play at that for hours.
  • have made 8 batches of peppermint meringues so far this Christmas and eaten about 3/4 of them myself.
  • haven't wrapped a single gift.
  • find that feeding a deliciously warm woodstove is my favorite winter chore.
  • am making chili for supper tonight. with sour cream, taco cheese, and tortilla chips.
  • find immense pleasure in receiving Christmas cards.
  • am incredibly thankful to be celebrating the 12 days of Christmas this year: the only way I could finish it all in time.
  • like to sit in the living room and stare at the beautiful tree. I wish I could do it a little more.
  • have played Bananagrams with Matt almost every evening for two weeks straight. We love it.
  • could keep going on this list forever but I just realized I think I *might* actually be using it to procrastinate. SO, I'd better be off. :-)
PS. The above photo was taken after I asked Corynn to make a bored face. She couldn't do it without laughing her head off. Over and Over. She would make a bored face and within two nanoseconds she'd be laughing hysterically. So no-she doesn't have an attitude (even if it might look it in the first photo. Just so's you know....)


  1. LOL Yup I hear you. I started out a head, now I'm "behind". I'm going to start gift wrapping tonight. And some of my handmade gifts will have to be new years gifts. :-P

  2. **giggle** For the first picture, I thought maybe you had been taking too many pictures thus the face. ;)

    It sounds like even though you have lots to do that you are still enjoying the season and your family. :)

    Merry Christmas!

  3. Clothing-optional are so funny.

    That's how it goes around here (with the kids anyways). I swear it makes a little less laundry and that's worth my boys running around in undies anyday. ;)

    We don't watch a lot of TV around here cable or anything, but I think that if I were in your shoes with everything you take on I would let them watch a dvd and not feel even a tad bad about it!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  4. Well you don't sound stressed, so thats good. I still have a good bit of crafting left (and laundry), but with the exception of mopping the kitchen/dining room, THE WHOLE HOUSE IS IMMACULATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Go ahead, using the DVD player once in a very great while is okay. I don't do that either, but I gave in this morning, and did so I could finish cleaning upstairs.
    Its a treat and they know it.
    I'm hoping to do a quick post in the morning, but if I don't get to- Merriest of Christmas's to you all!

  5. I hate to admit I've resorted to using the PS3 (they all to include dad pitched in and bought it w/ money raised cutting wood for the neighbor and putting up hay!) to amuse the guys! During the normal year they are limited on when and how long they can play so we've let up a bit the last two days!

    I just wrapped the first presents today and put them under the tree. Don't feel bad I actually just gave up trying to get everything done before Christmas. Chris only works next Monday thru Wednesday so we are enjoying just being together.

    Now off to take pictures of the desserts for the fellowship after Christmas caroling w/ church!

    Toodles!! And if I don't get on again... I would like to wish you and yours a very Merry and Blessed Christmas!!

  6. I have 4ish sewing projects to finish by tomorrow night, wrap, and then I'm DONE!!! :) Probs going to be up late working on 'em! I hear you though on household got so bad here yesterday that I dropped all crafting for a few hours and cleaned at 2:00 in the morning! :P

    Cute photos!
    Happy, happy, Christmas!

    PS-I won't even tell you how much fudge I've eaten...*blush*

  7. Smile! You're a great Mom doing a great job- look on the bright side- if you lived downunder here in Australia, you'd have one less day to prepare for Christmas- LOL

    Bless you

  8. Kris in TN1:00 PM

    I always love your posts.

    Re: cleaning the fridge. I hate doing this and so ask for it to be cleaned for me by my husband and children every Mother's Day. I know that means it only gets a thorough cleaning once a year, but it works for me (and I don't have to do it!)


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