Friday, March 19, 2010

Foto Friday: GREEN

I am the lazy mother who is too busy preparing for Easter to actually take time out to do any leprauchaun-y type things, so my little tribute to those Irish lads and lassies was this weeks' theme....GREEN. Turns out, mid-march in PA isn't exactly conducive to GREEN. I actually, kinda STINK at it. (SHOULDA celebrated St. Patricks Day after all!)

Here we go, anyhow:

I *DID* celebrate with a Shamrock Shake, however! Does that count?! *slurp*

We have literally NOTHING living around here except these bitty buds from my hydrangea plants I brought into the potting shed (and covered with upturned pots) last fall. I can't tell you how I hope these things will bloom this year. Toes and fingers all crossed. Legs and elbows too. AND eyes.

I am finding it more and more challenging to come up with fresh (extraordinary) photos to match that weeks' challenge. As soon as the challenge is announced, I automatically think back to some great shots in the past I have taken that would qualify and RARELY find an opportunity during that week to find something worthwhile pertaining to the challenge. Is this just me?

For the fun of it, here are a few photos that just SCREAM green to me (from my archives...)

Seeing GREEN, anyone?

In order to participate in these Foto Friday challenges, you must take a photo (or several) pertaining to the challenge WITHIN the challenge week and post it/them to your blog. When you do, please link back to this blog {you may use the button if you like} so that perhaps we can get lots of participants! (Because, you know, the more the merrier!) Then simply link to your Foto Friday post with Mr. McLinky here so that we all can visit you and compare notes...

For those of you new to this blog (or to Foto Friday's in general), each Friday we get a new photo challenge to work on for the week and we post our photos the next Friday and link back up here. Whatever your skill level, the goal is to get behind your camera and to begin, as you practice, to view subjects in a different light. To extend yourself and your concepts and ideas. To create ART instead of just snapping a picture. And to do it all while having FUN.

Since this week is the FIRST WEEK OF SPRING (!!!!!!), how about we do a SPRING theme?! Yes? YES! Let's see how well we can represent SPRING.


  1. B. LOVES Shamrock shakes. I'm not the biggest fan of shakes in general.

    I knew it, If posted pics of plants coming up, you would have that as next weeks challenge. And you did.

    The peacock feathers are gorgeous, but my favs. are of Corynn feeding chickens. Those just make me happy.

    Now, off to put away groceries, which should've been done *ages* ago...

  2. Beautiful pictures, Rebecca! I'm so excited to be joining in this week. It looks like our hydrangeas are thinking the same thing!

  3. I really like the peacock feathers especially the first one. The lighting is really awesome on it. You have a lot of great shots!!!! The hummingbird one is so vivid. It looks like it should be in a magazine or on a calendar.
    Wonderful pictures....all of them....

  4. Bonnie~ I hereby PROMISE not to post ANY newly sprouting green bits of plant for next weeks' challenge! Spring can be so much more! You'll see!

    Kelli~YAY! I am excited TOO!

    Jennifer~believe it or not, that second feather shot belongs to the humble chicken! Not quite as elegant, for sure, but still awfully pretty.

  5. Your pictures are gorgeous, Rebecca! I love the hummingbird.

  6. I was commenting, went to help some children and when I came back comment...poof! :P

    Love the one of Corynn and the sunlight...

    The bottom ones are so DELIGHTFULLY green! :)

  7. So many errands to run today and I was late getting linked, though I posted EARLY this morning.

    I love the one of Corynn's apron with the sunspot. Beautiful!

  8. OOOPS! Collin's comment was from me. Darn that computer sharing!

  9. I love the one of your sunbonnet babe feeding the chickens, but then, I always love to see pics of the kids -- even if I can't stand to see how much they're growing between the times I get to see them.

  10. Wow that last picture is absolutely beautiful! :)

  11. I really like the picture of Corynn feeding the chickens. I also like the peacock feathers.

    Next week may be a little more challenging since our seasons are different... I just need to think. ;)

  12. I love your photos, they are beautiful.

    I didn't get to the challenge this week as it was just too crazy.

    I plan on being back next week and spring is a great subject.

  13. Love the last one SO much! And the one of Corynn with the simple yet so lovely...captures 'farm life"

  14. These pictures this week are wounderfull. I just love the picture of the hummingbird.

  15. OH I love the picture of Corynn feeding the chickens!

    Hope you are doing well!!

  16. Oh this is great, I love the peacock feathers, I used to have a large vase full of them, lost them in the fire we had..
    Hugs Barbara

  17. I couldn't believe those were chicken feathers at first, I had to take a double-take :)

    My fav, of course my sweet pea, but second was definately of Corynn feeding the chickens in the green apron. Loved it!

  18. I love the picture of (Corynn, I assume?) tossing the chickens their food. I love her clothes mainly... it is so quirky-pioneer-1930's-modern style that it is just dang adorable. hehe. :) I used to read your blog regularly but after a computer switch I lost all of my bookmarks, but then I remembered you had commented on my blog a while back so I was able to go back and find your blog again. :-) so I hopefully will be reading a lot more...


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