Thursday, April 08, 2010

A deal is a deal

After taking the above photos, my boychild asked that I take some pictures of him in his milkhouse. Since he was so agreeable for me, agreeable is the least I could do for him.

His "milkhouse" is a makeshift, broken down, very large woodcrate that is held together by rusty nails, bits of salvaged hose and chain and filled with all sorts of boy treasures. (Very safe and hygenic, to be sure.)

I have been wanting (hubby) to build the boy a treehouse for about a year now and apparently, Andrew has too....and finally, last fall just took matter into his own hands.

Frankly, I am still holding out hope for something a bit more.....SAFE to play in.

Maybe a father/son project this summer?!?

Until then, his "milkhouse" suits this boy just fine.

1 comment:

  1. I think he inherited some of your creativity, don't you? lol = )
    Good for him!


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