What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Friday, May 07, 2010

Foto Friday: STILL LIFE

Last week's challenge was STILL LIFE.

I learned a few things this week:

#1~ I hate still life photography
#2~ A prime element of still life photography is dramatic lighting, so waiting until 10:30 am Friday morning isn't exactly "PRIME"
#3~I really STINK at still life photography
#4~ I am going to leave still life photography to the professionals

Seriously, I learned what is NOT my forte' this week. I like my photos to have LIFE and to be FULL of life and still-life photography is so....unnatural and forced (to me). I am glad this week is over.
Granted, I only had 45 minutes to work with because I am a procrastinator and Matt has had all week off and I haven't even thought about Foto Friday until...now.

But still.


Here they are, in all their pathetic glory!

This one is called ODE TO OMA. Oma, my grandmother, was Dutch. Her favorite color was orange and so I bought my own mother orange poppies for Mother's Day....so she could remember hers.

But first, I stole it for a few photos. :-)

Listen UP!!!! I am making a few changes to the FOTO FRIDAY rules that will go into effect...TODAY!

With good weather comes my busy, busy times when blogging and other projects (like challenging myself in photography) have to take a back seat to hanging laundry on the line, growing a harvest, using a harvest to its' fullest, preserving everything I wasn't able to use fresh from the harvest, and, THIS year, birthing a baby and caring for a newborn.

Incidentally, I can't promise that I will be able to participate in these challenges each week. I thought about just stopping Foto Friday altogether, but would hate to do that after all the positive feedback people are giving me about it. Therefore, from henceforth, people can participate by posting a relevant-to-the-topic photograph(s) no matter WHEN it was taken, as long as it is relevant to that weeks' theme. Please feel free to continue to challenge yourself and to seek out opportunities within that week according to the theme, that is the most beneficial part of Foto Friday after all, but don't be deterred from posting a great archived shot if you weren't able to get out specifically that week.

As always, please link back to this blog {you may use the button if you like} when you post your blogpost. Then simply link to your Foto Friday post with Mr. McLinky here so that we all can visit you and compare notes...

This weeks theme is........... SKY/CLOUDS


Bonnie said...

I like them! I thought about the book/beverage, etc. Didn't happen.
And boy am I glad you said we can use archives, guess what I did....

BTW, you seem to have energy, PLEASE tell me how! I am SO tired all the of time, sleeping in a bit makes it worse. I have energy to sleep, and thats about it.


Anonymous said...

I agree ... Still life was HARD. But for someone who didn't necessarily enjoy it, your photos sure turned out great.

Terri said...

Still life definitely wasn't my favorite but after fiddling around, I ended up enjoying it. However, clouds and sky - YAHOO!!!!!

Terri said...

BTW, I forgot to mention it, but the first photo is terrific!

Jennifer said...

I think it was special to do the Ode to Oma theme. I really liked the first photo of the poppies with the butterflies.
I agree that still life is a real challenge. I think it though can stretch our artistic side and so I am going to be practicing some more. I did go online and read a bit more about still life photography. Very interesting......Anyway, good job and thank you again for hosting Foto Friday!!!

Jemit said...

I really loved the last ones with the wine and glass with grapes.. oooo .. yeah.

Peggy said...

I love the oranges!!

LFlores said...

Wait a minute.... You said you "suck" at still life? Those were fabulous! I loved them!! Especially the butterfly ones!!


Dana said...

I didn't enter any photos, but my degree is in photography. You didn't ask for any, but I do have a suggestion! You have the right idea for your still lifes, but you need to group your elements closer together. Perhaps a few lesser items would make it easier also. So, few items and group them all very close together! You have the right idea though!


Full of Grace said...

Liked your orange shot. Hope you had a good time yard-saleing on Saturday and got a lot of great deals. Happy Mother's Day :)

Lauri said...

You are way too hard on yourself. I really enjoyed your pictures.