Monday, November 22, 2010

In which he asks:


  1. because babies smell like heaven :)
    Such a cute photo - I have one where my daughter (19) is holding our youngest and kissing him - his face is similar :) looks like he's saying "alright already enough!"

  2. Great photo! Get as many baby sniffs as you can, they grow up so fast!

  3. Anonymous3:30 PM

    HaHa.....too cute!!

  4. Too cute:) I love the smell of babies!!!!

  5. Jeremiah wonders the same thing...

  6. I often sniff the screen myself just to see if I can get a whiff! ;)

  7. My momma, when we were getting ready for church (i'm the second oldest, i actually got another sibling after i was married off ;) ) would often tell me or dad "get a washcloth, wash {insert babies name, it happened with all the babies}'s neck, and put some lotion on him", because, inevitably, some lady was gonna be sniffin that baby's neck!

    I told my husband the same thing when our baby was young. "Make sure his neck is all clean - here's the lotion!" he asked why it was so urgent, and i told him it was because everyone was gonna be smelling his neck.
    He was unsure whether this was necessary, but when a new momma is getting ready to take her baby to church for the first time, by golly you do what she says!
    so he did. And sure enough, although our church is quite small, many, many people breathed in deep that baby smell and said 'i love the smell of babies!'.
    (and then i graciously whispered in my husband's ear: "i told you so!").
    People don't seem to like the smell of babies so well when they just smell like sour milk ;)


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