Thursday, December 16, 2010

Little Glimpses

It seems like I have been posting lots of little glimpses lately...many pictures, few words. (few words?!?!? how unlike me!) I can't decide if it is just because I am so busy or because each glimpse holds so much of the beauty in my life.

In the words of Julie Powell : "I have thoughts!"

But for now, glimpses seem sufficient.


  1. Love this post. That bench *swoon*!

  2. Love your "glimpses" They are gorgeous!

  3. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I love posts like this!! And I love Adele's quilt!!

    How do you take such good indoor shots? Are they all done in natural light? I have trouble with indoor shots cause I feel like I always have to use the flash....and my flash pictures do not come out good! Just wondering!!

  4. Dear friend!
    I LOVE these pictures...I LOVE I LOVE I LOVE! :) (did you get that? I love!! ;)) The wreath, bench, & pillow, next Martha Stewart cover material...that DARLING girl child sleeping with the adorable quilt...those m&m's and a peek at what's to come!! I LOVE IT! :D HAHA!

    I've been having such a hard time with LIGHT in my pictures! ACK! I just need to move everything outside in the 12 inches of snow. Bah hum bug. It doesn't help that my normal lens is broke and the one I have always acts up. *okay, enough complaining* ;) What lens are you using? I recently played with my SIL's 50mm @ f/1.4...swoon. Bye bye flashie with that baby! Hello low light!

    Yes, I did send you a letter/photo! Don't laugh too hard at the "hick" shot we got! LOL! (oh and I *blush* first put your MAIDEN name on the letter as that what was on your email...OOPS! :P) I am such a dork.

    Thank you for your prayers as I head to Haiti! I REALLY appreciate them!



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