* I got the worlds BEST Christmas present this year. I'll be showing it to ya but it deserves a post all its own. *sigh*
* I am having a very hard time getting back on board with schooling. Methinks I need to revise my plans a bit or just....get serious about it all again.
* This "little" guy just upgraded to 12-18 month clothes and could really use a diaper upgrade too, but that would put him in size 4 diapers-just one smaller than Adele' is in and I can't seem to bring myself to do it. He just turned four months old....like, four days ago. Kill me now.
* It has been a cold winter but not snowy at all here. We haven't had a single snow that has covered the ground and lasted more than a few hours. This has been great since Matt is away so often and I (cough, cough) don't know how to run the tractor.
*Speaking of which~ Matt was out of town this week, but came home earlier than expected last night. Because he told me AHEAD of time instead of scaring the bajeebers out of me, I made him scalloped potatoes and ham, apples and onions, and green beans to welcome him home. Home cooking, it gets them every time.
* Poor kidlet is teething...
....and drooling....
....and teething some more.
And, oh yeah, trying to sit up...
Is it me or is he doing everything so much faster than he ought? Can't he stay (relatively) little for a while?!?! Sheesh.
* It might be because I don't fit into anything these days or it might be because I haven't sewn anything in a while, but I am getting an itch to make myself something to wear. Since every single attempt to make my own clothes have failed, I wonder...do I dare?!
* I haven't written a real letter in ages and my fingers are itching to do that too.
* I am *not* itching to look through the seed catalogs that have made their way to my doorstep. The after-Christmas winter months are the only slow(er) months I have, gotta enjoy them as much as I can.
*I made lunch the other day while the girls looked on and I thought it was so stinkin' cute how snuggled into one another they were. Love that.
* Watched Christmas Story on Netflix the other day (not to be confused with A Christmas Story, as I am likely one of the few (only?) people who actually dislike that movie...) and was inspired by all their clothing. It is set in Finland. Enough said. I now want to make myself a woolen cloak. And some for the girls too. *swoon* I wonder if they are actually warm?
* I *think* I have found a solution to the Foto Friday dilemma. Kinda excited about it. You'll be hearing about it soon, if anyone remembers Foto Friday??
*Also-have not forgotten about the 3rd installment of Ask Rebecca, though I am pretty sure everyone ELSE has. It is coming. This I promise.
* Anyone who thinks outdoor dogs have it rough don't know what they are talking about.
* Started Little House in the Big Woods as the family read aloud a week ago and am, again, surprised at how many times pioneers were in life-threatening situations. And were thankful for any food they got. Roasted pig tails anyone? ick.
*Right now, *I* am reading Letters the an American Lady by C.S.Lewis and All is Grace by C.H.Spurgeon. And a few sewing books. And the Pioneer Lady (not to be confused with the Woman) cookbooks. Investigating rabbit stew. (deep breathes...)
~And finally, I leave you with a few Andrew-isms:
The kids were eating lunch and debating over the best way to eat a sandwich. Andrew nibbles the entire outside first, Corynn eats it from the top down and Adele eats the insides out and the crusts last. Andrew, very convincingly says:
"It's better to eat the BARK first and the rest after that...."
We were listening to Johnny Cash the other day (yes, we listen to Johnny Cash. Fiddler on the Roof. Sound of Music. and Johnny Cash. thankyouverymuch) when the song "Busted" came on. It is a sob story about a guy who hasn't got any money, food, etc. so Andrew pipes up from the backseat:
"Hey Mama! When I bought me pig yast year, den I wuz busted! You know why? Becuz mine cowbank was all empty! I was busted."
And okay.
His huge round eyes and cowboy drawl and seriousness as he spoke added to the hilarity. So maybe it isn't quite as funny typed out. Guess you had to be there.
Please zip me an email if you get the chance - I'll explain :)
I promise I'm not a psycho stalker (I've got 6 kids who has time for that?) lol
Michelle :)
Enjoyed the post--and looking forward to hearing about your Christmas present and Foto Friday! Happy New Year!
Wow has your baby grown! He's adorable!! I can't stand the movie A Christmas Story either, so you are not the only one...but we might be the only two! :) I do love It's a Wonderful Life though, watch it every year right before Christmas.
I LOVE the Pioneer Lady cookbooks! I thought I was the only one who had heard of them! They're so much fun to just sit down and read. I've only got two of them, but someday, I hope to collect them all.
Hey girl, great to hear about all you N***s again. Great photos. But of course, what else do I expect?
I could just hear the "Andrewisms" in that slow, cowboy drawl of his.
It looks like both your youngest boy and Bonnie's youngest boy have the same thoughts on teething. heehee. I checked in on her today, too.
The kids and I always have a rough time starting back to school if we break for Chrismas Vacation. I think we just get off our schedule and lose our momentum. I feel like Christmas should mark the halfway point of school year, when in reality it is only a little over a third of the way through.
Pass around the hugs and kisses for me and be sure to save one for yourself. Miss you all!!
Absolutely adorable!
I started blogging after my kids finished saying those cute things, so I didn't document them as much. I remember JL asking for some "fruit cottontail" for snack one time. ;)
Keep recording them! They'll bless you the further you get from their blessed younger years. ;)
Those pictures are adorable. If you get a minute, come check out my blog, I'm pretty sure I invented the easiest skirt of all time. I guarantee you will be able to make yourself one. :)
Haven't forgotten about 'Ask Rebecca'... can't wait!!
Also, I'm very interested in this awesome Christmas present.
Glad y'all had a great holiday.
Love gleaning from this blog!
Bullets for your bullets, you title swiper!
~I hate A Christmas Story too. Something about it makes my skin crawl.
~My kiddles like the "peel" on everything: chicken, sandwiches, bread...
~Can't wait to see your gift
~Jeremiah is in 9-12 for the most part. He and Rachel now share a diaper size. She because she is such a pipsqueak, and he because he is a moose. Its 3 and I backed her down a size.
~We read Little House in the Big Woods 4 times in 6 months. We also reread Farmer Boy, Little House on the Prairie, and Plum-creek 2-3 times each and read the rest of the series up through These Happy Golden Years once during those same six months. I count it as history, and we are working (for the third time now) on Plum creek again.
~Poor Ruby.
~I'm not the biggest rabbit fan. Eating or owning.
~I'm noting your book recommendations
~And lastly: YOU CAN SEW!!!! My pattern library is at your disposal. If I have it, I'll trace it for you.
When we read Little House in the Big Woods, the bit that got me was the children playing with the pig's bladder!-double yuck! I'm all for traditional toys, but we'll pass on that one thank you very much!
We like Johnny Cash too AND Sound of Music And Fiddler. Also a good dose of classical thrown in including Jackie Evancho and Charlotte Church.
Love your posts
Ladies---it isn't that I can't sew. I can. The problem comes in making flattering clothes that fit this oddly shaped, lyrch-like figure. Which is why I generally stick with childrens' clothes.
But, desperate times call for desperate measures.
I love to eat my bark too :-) I am wanting to have you and Elizabeth over sometime...any good time?
I think your little man must be doing everything pretty quick....My little boy is in size 4 but he is 18 months ol...snicker snicker.
Oh I am so excited... yep I combining comments from the two posts into one. Can hardly wait for the new Foto friday to start and am looking forward to next installation.
Wow, 4 months! That just doesn't seem possible but then it seems like Miss Adele was just born this past year. How can it be 2 years already??? And I'm just an outside observer... but then my first baby turns 17 (yep you read that correctly SEVENTEEN!) next month. How did that happen?
I love the outfit you made for Judah! Good job! its snowing here, my blog sits ideal as do I right now, the clothes just finished washing so now I'm off to switch and fold.
Take care!
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