Thursday, January 13, 2011

Parenting is a SNAP

Otherwise Entitled: TOO MANY BABIES. (the doll kind, of course)

My Adele' already seems to know the five rules to being a good parent:

#1: Give them lots of love

#2: Feed them all the time (though her method seems a bit skewed)

#3: Check in on them every now and again

#4: Make them laugh

and MOST importantly of all:

#5: It's easier to keep tabs on them when you keep 'em all together.

Disclaimer: Yes. We own too many baby dolls. I won't even tell you of the three AG knockoffs we have because that will just tip us on over to EXTREME insanity. Six dolls. Two girls. Ridiculous.


  1. Raising future mamas of big families :)
    Too cute - :)

  2. 2 girls and at least 12 dolls here, but they are all played with regularly.
    Stuffed animals on the other hand.... zoo's would be jealous of our variety.
    I will be culling the herd for the garage sale.

    Love the pictures of the cute little mama in the making, and of course the cute little doll in the middle!

  3. I didn't catch until the third picture that there's a REAL baby in the bunch too! :)

  4. Judah is such a sport huh? :) Already being forced to play house! :) Ella is a doll girl, Annie is more of a horse girl! ;)

  5. ummm you do no thave enough dolls. I jsut did a quick sweep of the houes, and not counting the AG ladies who arrived at Christmas., or the barbies ( next peson to purchase a babrbie to live here gets beaten with it, seriously people!).. I counted 10.. and that is for two girls who are almost 9 and 6 1/2. PLease note that I did not open closets or toyboxes..

    Great photos.. and what a great captrured memory. I really like keeping an eye on them... now where are my binoculars????

  6. Anonymous2:31 PM

    She is so cute. And I know what you mean about baby dolls. My three girls have a bunch also. And they have named all of their baby dolls Micah (our 4mth old)!!!! It is too funny and cute.

  7. Oh Lordy! She is just too cute! Love the binoculars--that cracks me up! And 6 babies? We have at least 10 between our two girls. Need to do something about that.

  8. We just went through the dolls today....5 for one girl. She got to keep 2 out and the rest in storage...I told her they would be safe. :)

  9. I must say, the one in the middle with the striped outfit is... "a doll".

  10. That is so cute...your little boy is such a good little guy..laying there and playing right along with sister. She is just a doll!!
    I actually had the red-headed doll..Baby Chrissy I think she was called. Such fun at that age. Oh to be young again:)
    Lovely family you have!!
    Blessings, Jerelene

  11. Jerelene~ Chrissy is OUR name for her too! Funny story- I had that doll as a girl but she was "technically" my sisters doll so she got to keep her. I hated that.

    But then about two years ago, I went to a yard sale and they had her there for $2.00! I almost CRIED I was so happy. Did yours have her hair cut short like that? I always thought that we might have chopped it off and I just didn't remember but then the yard sale girl had short scrappy hair too and now I sorta wonder if she was made like that.

  12. So cute...

    That's not too many baby dolls, it's just preparing your girls in case they grow up and have lots of babies of their own. ;)

  13. For a mama that has at least 50 dolls of her own, my girls will never have 6..Dolls overflow here, and I personally like it that way ;)

    Sorry I kept the Chrissy doll..If you would like you can have her, I didn't know that it meant that much to you!

  14. I still have my baby dolls from 50+ years ago, and I still love them. A new doll was always my favorite Christmas present. In fact, I was thinking of getting one for myself as a consolation prize when my new little grandson goes back to his home in Africa soon.

    Adele is precious--and I love the binocular check-up!

  15. Anonymous8:18 PM

    You can NEVER have too many dolls! We used to have so many, they all had names and were my 'children'. I never envied my friends dolls because I loved my own so much:-) Your pictures are so cute.

  16. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Great pictures!! I think the baby Chrissy doll (I had one, too.) had a ponytail in the middle of her head that would "grow." But I think the rest of her hair looked like that.

  17. One girl (who happens to be 15) and 20+ dolls here. Who's to say what's crazy?


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