Tuesday, February 22, 2011


  1. And you truly makes others see the beauty in the everyday things. Thank you.

  2. wow! I just looked and looked. . . wow!

  3. Rebecca, I am finally back online and reading your past few posts. Love your pics. The baby is getting SO big :D Did you get my pics of the baby a few weeks back? Hope all is well. Jess

  4. no-I never did! And I checked frequently! Did you use my yahoo account or my gmail account? I was anxiously waiting for them but figured you must have been too busy or forgotten or something!

    here they are again:

    sgrbear724@ yahoo.com

    nuevohombres@ gmail.com

    I'd love to see that sweetling!

  5. Beautiful.

    I think we should have a compliment war about each other's photography.
    I'd win. (Meaning: yours blow MINE out of the water.)


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