Friday, February 18, 2011

Foto Friday

I would have loved nothing more than to have a smoochy picture of my hunka hunka and I to with the Valentine theme, but alas, my Valentine was out of town all week. :-(

Instead, I had to send him some love across the miles.

Time to share your favorite photo of the week!

Fine Print::

The idea behind Foto Friday is to share a favorite photo that was taken the week prior. My hope is that it encourages us all to get behind the camera more often, to seek beauty out and new perspectives, and that it forces us to challenge ourselves and our photo-taking skills to soar to new heights all the while, having crazy fun.

Though a theme/challenge is not a requirement for sharing a photo, I will give a challenge SUGGESTION every week for those that want to push the envelope in their photography. I can not promise I will follow through with the suggestions myself, but I will be trying them on occasion. :-) Feel free to use the suggested challenge or create a challenge of your own, and if the mere act of picking up the camera is challenge enough-feel free just to post your favorite photograph of the week! In fact, sharing the best QUALITY photo is better than following the challenge if it is either/or.

Please put the specific blog link in the linky when sharing photos, and if you would~ add the Foto Friday button (on sidebar) to your post. The more that participate, the merrier.

Have FUN!!!


For those so inclined, a good challenge for this coming week is HANDS . Include hands in your photo.


  1. Such a cute and creative idea!

  2. Hey, that idea worked perfectly! Lovely!!! :)

  3. That is so cute! Love it. :-)

  4. That is so cute! You come up with the best ideas!
    This week it's just a favorite photo that I submitted. . . I do have an idea for your next challenge though! Can't wait to find my "model!" lol!

  5. Great idea! Such a cute picture!

  6. How cute!!! Love it!

  7. Was the wind blowing in the general direction of Matt? ;) Such a neat idea, Rebecca! I need me a white wall JUST like yours with perfect lighting...LOL! :D

  8. Love the creativity!

    I forgot to submit my link =[ was really busy all weekend..
    anyway here's mine submitted really really really late:

  9. I love this.

    So did they reach him in time?


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