Thursday, February 03, 2011

Little Mother

"Help one another " is a part of the religion of sisterhood.

- Louisa May Alcott


  1. To sweet! Being the oldest sister of seven kids, that looks exactly like pictures my mom has of me:) The title says it all,"Little Mother...:)"

  2. Awww how sweet.
    I have 5 boys and only 1 girl (she's now 19)
    I can't tell you the times that they have gone straight to her as their second mama of sorts ;)

    My youngest (1) knows she is the easy touch when it comes to getting his way :)
    "Sissy is the best"

  3. Anonymous4:35 PM

    oh my, how large is your baby?! he's sooooooo cute.

    - b

  4. This is just so sweet.

  5. You're so blessed to have such a big helper....

  6. Tell "Little Miss" that she is doing a fine job. Cuddling is the very best way to stay warm on a blustery, winter day.

  7. I have a little mother here as well...although she tends to mother her little sister a BIT better than her "little" brothers! ;)

  8. b~ I exaggerate often but not about my boy. He is 5 months old and wearing 12-18 months clothes. He weighs just 5 pounds less than my 2 year old at 20 pounds. So yeah. He is remarkable. ;-)


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