Friday, April 29, 2011

Foto Friday Fun

In case you are new here~ let me give you the rundown.

Here on Renaissance, every Friday people are welcome to share their favorite photograph taken that week. It can be anything you want, but I always include a weekly photo challenge for those up to the task.

It is a great way to get yourself behind the camera, a great way to get feedback on your photos and a great way to get inspired. All skill levels welcome! So LINK UP to your Foto Friday post, grab the button and start snapping pictures!

Last week, as an optional challenge, I suggested people look out for great Easter shots. Here are two of my favorites from the week:

Now you know, I am not above bribing with Peeps.

Now let's see YOUR favorite photo of the week!

Looking for a challenge for this coming week? April SHOWERS bring May flowers. How about we try to capture some of them in pictures?

And the winners from LAST week are:

Bird photos can be quite challenging so a good one is always impressive.

Winner #2: A Nibnabit Life

I really loved this shadow play. It is a great idea played out beautifully.

Congratulations ladies and thanks to all who participated! Fridays are always great fun for me!


  1. aww, she looks like a little princess!

  2. oh, and congratulations to the winners! That bird photo was amazing!

  3. I love that first one of Adele. She is just so cute. Thank you for choosing me. That was an honor for me and I'm so excited that I finally won a photo challenge! :-)

  4. I think you have a little angel in an Easter dress. She's so pretty!


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