Thursday, April 21, 2011

Foto Friday

Guess what today is?!?

Ready or not~ let's see your favorite photos of the week!

Last week, the challenge was WHITE, for those who wanted a good challenge.

I interpreted WHITE as purity and wanted to focus more on the feeling than the color. I thought an ethereal feel to the photograph would accomplish that so I purposely overexposed my photograph to try and create that feel. When I told Matt my plans he said....

"So basically, you are TRYING to take a crappy picture?"

Well. Sort of.

Here is what I came up with:

That black thing hiding (not very well) in my hand is my remote camera clicker the secret to many of the photographs that *I* am in.

And just to keep things real~ a good old-fashioned OUTTAKE---> getting hit with a droolbomb.

Now it is YOUR turn!

~~~~ And now for the winners from last week ~~~~~

Winner #1: Life in the A-Frame

This photo just screams PUNK ROCKER DOG to me and I can't help but crack up every.single.time. If a photo can do that, it is winner worthy in my book.

Winner #2: Out for an Adventure

The layers upon vibrant layers of this photo really make such a powerful impact. It is really beautiful.

Congratulations to you both and thanks to all who participated! It was REALLY hard to choose just TWO favorites from last week, which is a HAPPY predicament to be in!

Keep 'em coming!

Anyone who is looking for some photographic motivation~ this weeks' theme is a "Glimpse into Our Easter."

So share a picture of the grub, the decorations, the egg hunt, the Easter bonnets, the fancy clothes, the people you shared it with, or share in photographs what Easter means to you. I look forward to seeing (hopefully) lots of Easter glimpses. And as usual, it is not necessary to follow the challenge in order to participate in Foto Friday. Any photo favorite is welcome!


  1. AAAH those pictures are precious- the little fat legs, the drooly smiles, such sweetness!

  2. I love them all, but especially the second one. Makes me wish I had a baby all over again! ;-)

  3. I love your "white" pictures. I think it is the baby that does it. I especially like the hat one with the little close-up face. And I'm so glad you liked the photo of my little dog Amos. He cracks me up just about every day. The photo challenges have been fun for me, thanks!

  4. Your photos are so fabulous Rebecca! It's fun to watch babies grow up. As much as we don't want babies to grow up!

    Thank you! I am so honored that you loved my picture that much! =]


  5. Those are just gorgeous photos, Rebecca! Wow! Love those chubby chubby legs, so sweet and edible. And the drool, awww! He's just gorgeous, and I love all the photos! I need to get a remote too for my camera, I think, lol!

  6. Love these! The last one is my fave!! Every now and again I like to over expose my pictures. Gives it a neat feel. You did good as always!

  7. All of them are awesome, but I love the top one and the second to last one best of all! So Stinkin' Sweet :)

  8. Oh man! I've missed your bloggy, girl! :) LOVE your white photos! :)

  9. I love the one where his big grin pops out of all the white. AND, of course, the chubby legs one. Very clever idea.


Whatdya Think?