Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My little fashion designer

I keep a stash of empty toilet paper tubes in a basket under the bathroom sink for whenever the childrens' creative juices are flowing. Usually, when one person starts creating with them, the entire basket empties in an afternoon.

I particularly liked Andrew's rendition of glasses this past week. They fit Adele' just perfect! (The sides are pencils.)

Very Edith Head, no?

And speaking of Edith Head~ she pretty much sums up my views of woman and dress with this great quote:


  1. Fashion indeed, and I agree with Edith. Pictures forthcoming of my rendition of that statement. Kinda.

    Brilliant idea for t.p. rolls.

  2. Cute Pics of Adele', I can see the resemblance ;) btw..I have a bag of things for her here and whatever you don't need you can pass to Abbie if you would like. You can pick them up whenever :)

  3. Fabulous! And what a fantastic quote!

  4. Rebecca,

    I'm embarrassed to admit that I never heard of Edith Head, and since "The Incredibles" is one of our favorite movies around here, I had to share this post with the family one evening during dinner. They, too, thought the resemblance was uncanny. Then last evening, the boys were watching "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" and while Ian was reading the film credits on the video tape box, he recognized the costume designer's name from our dinner conversation - yep, Edith Head. I love it when they make those thanks for being a part of that.

    I also love her true.

    Sending blessings your way,
    Kris Zerby


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