Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Tomato TomAHTo

The tomato hat started out for her...

... and she works it pretty well, I might add!

But even better~ can (and has) ended up on the head of him...

They don't mind sharing.....

Either way, they are the best looking tomatoes I have ever harvested.


  1. I should mention lest you think I miraculously became an overnight knitter: I didn't make this hat. (Remember? Can't knit anything but a square and even that--not well.)

  2. Oh my GOSH! I adore it! And her little pig tails sticking straight up while his arms are thrown wide has to be about the most precious picture I have seen you post yet! Such adorable tomatoes!

  3. Potato Potahto- I agree with Sheila!

  4. I HEART that last photo! LOL! Judah's face! :)

  5. Judah looks adorable in that hat! Way to go.

  6. Absolutely adorable!

  7. I was just going to rave about your knitting skills... and then I read your comment. You can do it, Rebecca! I promise, knitting is so easy! But that tomato hat is pretty darn cute, I must say (especially on Judah). And you did make that sweater, didn't you? I love those sleeves. I crocheted one for Daisy a while back almost that same style. I loved it on her.

  8. aww the gorgeousness! love the pretty little details on the hat.

    love the picture of the two of them together, sheila said it much better than i could.

  9. So funny that in those pics Adele looks like Corynn and Judah looks like Andrew, even though usually I don't see it as much! They looked super cute! :)

  10. Anonymous9:46 AM

    i love judah's faces. oh my he just looks surprised all the time : )

    its wonderful to get all your updates and see you posting again!


  11. I love the shot of Judah! All of your kids are incredibly photogenic! I love the tomato hat as well.

  12. I love that top picture.

    Someday, I'll convince her to come and live with us, and then I can hang it on the wall with good conscience.


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