Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I just noticed that I didn't post any winners of the Foto Friday contributions on Fridays post! So sorry!

I could have just let it go-but then I wouldn't have been able to share these bits of GORGEOUSNESS. And that would have been just downright tragic.

Just take a gander:

Winner #1: All things Under the Son

Winner #2: Memories by Miranda

Both could very easily pass as Postcards, wouldn't you say? Thanks for sharing your bits of beauty with me each Friday. I enjoy it so much!


  1. Thanks for picking me! I love this picture. I am very happy with how it turned out. :o)

  2. Thanks for picking my picture :). I never grow tired of the mountains. It seems as though every day I look up at them with awe.....

  3. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Random question: Why don't you blog about your chickens. Caring, feeding and so on. would like some tips.


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