Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Summer Hooker

I am, of course, talking about CROCHETING. (What?! You didn't think I ....?!?!? boy, is YOUR mind in the gutter!) You KNOW I had to do it! :-)

I have been finding a few minutes here and there to crochet and am finding I enjoy it immensely, even when it is hot.

Summer crochet calls for some changes though.

Using lots of cotton yarn and making SMALL projects that won't fall onto your legs and get you even hotter.

In fact, it is pretty great sprawling out on your bed after you have had a shower from a long, sweaty day and letting the fan blow you dry while you crochet. Sitting in front of the fan Going to bed early can be justified when you are actually still WORKING on something, right?

A few recent projects:

Chrysanthemum dishcloths. (Free pattern from the craft store yarn department but can be found on Ravelry here.)

A Duckie Bib as a baby gift. (Free pattern on Ravelry here.) I changed the beak from the original pattern, opting to keep it open and quacky instead of stuffing it. I liked it better that way and Matt and the children agreed. Unanimous wins.

I want to make another in blue yarn to (hopefully) resemble a bluebird for my Judah. We'll see if it turns out...

Using Judah as a model is getting harder and harder the older he gets. I won't tell you how many pictures I had to take of him before I got one that wasn't "action blurred".

And I have been playing with THREAD and teeny hooks too, making lace edging. This is especially exciting for me because I specifically remember saying "I may be able to learn to crochet but I will NEVER be able to use those teeny hooks and thread. No WAY." And here I am!

This will eventually border a white pillow for this bench, that just so happens to be BEGGING for some awesome pillows. (One summer goal is to pillowfy this bench up since that Christmas pillow just HAD to go.)

And since we are talking crochet, just have to say.... this is my FAVORITE crochet book I have found to DATE! I borrowed it from the library and am dreading its due date. This is one of those rare occasions that I would LOVE to do EVERY.SINGLE.PROJECT in it. Check it out if you crochet for children.


  1. Jeremiah got a tremendous kick out of the picture of Judah, and gave him a friendly-though very fake- laugh. (Fake laughing is the latest in his bag of tricks)
    Your crochet is BEAUTIFUL, and making me sigh with envy. Sigh.

  2. It makes me want to get out my unfinished crochet projects and work on them but I just have too many other projects going and after a shower I just pass out!

  3. The red lace edging is fabulous. I'm so impressed. I will never ever be able to do that and I'm not kidding (but I love it that you can.)

  4. Your handiwork is beautiful--especially the red edging! I also do all kinds of handiwork (what my mother called it and I think it's so fitting), but have yet to pick up thread and size 00 hooks. Now I'm inspired. Keep the pics coming!

  5. You are amazing, these are amazing- I just love all that you make!

    On a side note, please DO NOT apologize for Saturday..I am so sorry about Gram..Please accept my condolences and give Matt a kiss on the cheek from me..I know she was a very special lady to all of you...Hug the kids and Hugs to you! Love You Guys, Elizabeth

  6. Very cute (all of it)! :)

  7. Oh Rebecca- I am so sorry to hear about Gram! (read your sisters comment) Hugs to you all!

  8. So nice, Rebecca! :) Can't wait to check out that book! ;)

  9. Gorgeous Rebecca!! I love the red lace. I have tried my hand at crocheting and would love to get the meantime, would you consider a trade? Red lace for something small and quilty??? Hee hee!! :)

  10. Rebecca and Matt,

    I, too, am sorry to hear about Gram. I know that you had said that she has not been doing well lately.

    Also, I have to throw my "I told you so!" in here. I told you that your were a natural, and I never for one moment doubted that you would eventually be turning to "itty-bitty" hooks. The red lace in wonderful!!! What are your plans for it?

  11. I LOVE that red lace (and the others, but the lace!). Both of my sisters work with eensy hooks like that, but I'd never had the urge to learn until I saw this.



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