This week I cleared the early pea bed of its vines, making room for some late plantings.
Thinking myself very clever indeed when planting them, I planted beets, carrots and lettuce around the edges and throughout.
But when it came time to pull the vines, I maybe accidentally pulled a few carrots and beets along with them.
So into the ham pot went potatoes, onions and garlic along with the last of the peas and the whoopsie carrots and beet greens.
Made in the crockpot, it was easy. Putting the crockpot on the patio made it cool too.
And wow-it was good. The girls had thirds and Andrew had fourths.
Maybe it wasn't as big a whoopsie as I thought.
dont you just love those : )
That sounds really good! I used to put the crockpot out on the porch all the time when I was pregnant with A.
Saved on gagging. :0>
Living somewhere HOT I have 2 crock pots on my side porch going almost all the time! I have learned to do dinner and dessert in each one and NOT have the heat added to the inside of the house!
My kids tell people "My mom makes the BEST garbage soup" lol!(I save the bits and ends of all veggies and meats in the freezer - then when the rubbermaid tub or gallon zip lock is full - I make "garbage soup" ;)
I've tried half a dozen other names, but sigh..garbage soup stuck!
mmm yummy! :)
Question for you - remember that post you put up that had 52 challenges or something like that? Are you still pulling the challenges off that? Can you please link to it on your main page somehow under the Foto Friday button or something? I can't find that post for anything, lol, and was trying to plan ahead a few weeks. ;) Thanks, much appreciated!
Yum! :)
I love the garden. Even mistakes aren't mistakes. (Sez the girl who just pulled a few baby carrots herself last week.)
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