Monday, September 26, 2011


Once upon a time, which though it feels like forever ago was in actuality only a few weeks ago, there was a double birthday at our house. September 2nd is the birthday of two of my babies. (I told you September is always a busy month for me!) Though instead of twins, the day is shared by my eldest and the one who currently holds the title of 'youngest'. Corynn says they are "almost twins".

Here are the outdated (few) photos of that day. I took more pictures of the presents than the children (which is just plain WRONG), but in all fairness~ I was busy making birthday requested meals, cakes, and yes~ finishing the last minute present preparations.

I intended to do formal birthday shots at some point, but then we had a visit from Lee.

Their birthday fell on a Friday, which in our house is pizza and a movie night. The requested dinner, then, was stuffed crust PLAIN pizza. As you wish....

I don't know how the whole cake business is going to work down the road, when two requests are made (especially since we are not really a cake family...) but this year only one was old enough to make a request so it worked out well.

Actually, the request was in written form and HAD been since her LAST birthday! The very night she turned seven, after eating cake, she drew what NEXT years' cake would be and I saved it in my BILLS folder ever since.

The request (hopefully) :

My "15 minutes before rest time is over so hurry up and get it done" interpretation:

Judah had to get used to the idea of cake at first...

...but warmed up to it almost immediately. Frosting does that to you.

And now for the presents. da da da DUUUUUUUUUM~~~

I have known for over a year what I would do for Corynn. Judah, on the other hand, I had no idea what to do for him. Believe it or not, I have a hard time with first birthday presents. Babies, in my mind, just... don't need (or want) anything but hugs and kisses. I refuse to clutter up the house with JUNK just because that is what you are supposed to do.

So very last minute, and after two trips down TWO different store toy department aisles, I *FINALLY* came up with something that wasn't plastic rubbish. (OR expensive.)

Wooden blocks on clearance at Target which I then spruced up by Mod-Podging photos onto them of everyone in the family~

Because, really, how much more intrigue is added to play by THIS look?

Awww............. I remember that shirt....

He liked them. But not as much as my kisses.

For Corynn, I have been planning to do a sewing basket for over a year now.

Having been given a boxed up craft room, it ended up making for a VERY inexpensive gift! I still recall when I received my sewing basket (about her age) and the tremendous feeling of overwhelming awe at all the beautiful grown-up things I could have (all for myself!) to CREATE with. I remember fondling the scissors with utter amazement. I can still FEEL it! I knew this would be a special birthday gift for her.

In the basket I included things like~

thread, fabric pencils, seam ripper and a thimble....

...a felt pincusion........

... and pretty pins (I glued on beads to the ends of pins).....

... a jar of notions. Trim, lace, ribbon, buttons. Good stuff. Lots of pink. ;-)

.... I whipped up a felt needle book with a cute little Hedgehog and Modpodged fabric onto one of those measuring tapes businesses give for free....

... I glued sparkles onto her pair of scissors so we wouldn't confuse the two (MINE IS MINE!), an embroidery hoop and some fabric from my stash...

A treasure chest of goodies, really. And one of the cheapest presents I have ever put together!

And along with it~ this book:

...and the promise of a sewing lesson a week.

I love these two pieces of me and I love that each new year brings new, delightful reasons to love them more. Looking forward to this one!


  1. I've been looking forward to Corynn's cake, wondering what she would request. I am not dissapointed, with her idea or you're artful carrying out of it. But my favorite will always be the sleeping princess. Your description still makes me laugh.

    See, I knew it, a *wood* gift for your Jb. Although yours already has his, and mines still only exists in my head.

    We just had pizza, and now I want it again, and is Judah going to be a blondie??? I just assumed darker because of Andrew, but now I'm notsasure.
    Anyway, happy birthday a few weeks late to your lovies.
    Oh, and we had pizza for the birthday of the JB here, *and* I posted pictures of it today. But then I'm not surprised anymore when we do the same things : )

  2. Silly me! The gifts are darling! I gave A. one for her birthday, and (ahem) no lessons. Since February. She I think, isn't quiiiite ready for it.

  3. That sewing basket is BRILLIANT! And I'm not sure if I believe you just "threw that cake together"! It looks MAH-velous! :) Your posts are always so inspiring.

  4. You're so sweet! Love all the pics and preciousness you've shared.
    My new resolution (not waiting until the new year) is to visit your blog regularly, again. Wish we lived closer!

  5. Aww! I love all the pictures!! Judah's post-frosting photo is hilarious, and so cute. I love both of the gifts you put together. The blocks with pictures on them may be something I have to borrow in the future. ;) And the sewing basket for Corynn is a great longevity gift. :)
    Now, can I come over and play with Judah again? I miss him and that chub. :D

  6. Anonymous7:51 PM

    He is all grown up!
    She is beautiful!
    And you are creative!
    -bobbi. : )

  7. Um. Those blocks. What FAB idea!! :) I might have to do that for a Christmas gift. Yeah right. ;) I'm probably going to pin you to Pinterest AGAIN. ;)

    LOVE LOVE the sewing basket...we checked out that book from the library also. ADORABLE.

    Oh...and don't thank me now, but I "tagged" you in a "meme" on my bloggie. ;) hehe.

    LOVE LOVE your letter! :)

  8. Corynn's cake is FABULOUS btw.

  9. What a fabulous thing to do to the blocks. Judah will love them for a long time. And the sewing basket-how perfect. The memories have just begun!

  10. You are so creative!
    My daughter takes sewing lessons, and for the last two years has made many clothing items for herself and her younger sister that turned out great (two dresses for herself for church last fall - so we didn't have to shop the disgusting "tween" section of department stores, where appropriate girls' dresses are nonexistent).

    That dolphin cake is SWEEEEET!

    Happy Birthday Corynn and Judah! (I can't believe I've been reading this blog from way before this little guy was born and here he is one year old. I love to see him growing up. Aww.)

  11. Wonderful! All of it! Bravo, Mama!

  12. Well done on making the cake just as requested!! We were given a set of "almost twins" last year which was funny since I kept telling my daughter there was just no way the baby would bake that long! Hopefully they'll always agree on a cake because I just can't see myself baking two cakes either! Anyway, that has to be the most lovely and perfectly feminine sewing kit I've ever seen assembled! What a treasure! And her expression is just priceless!

  13. Well done Rebecca! I am planning on a sewing basket for Esther for Christmas...great minds think alike! I am glad you are all doing well....I think about you often!

  14. Love them all, especially the glitz you gave to the sewing instruments. I'd want to cut just about everything in sight with scissors like that.

    You've always wanted twins, you know. One step closer...

  15. Happy Birthday to your little ones, Rebecca! Although, Corynn is looking so grown up! Judah is precious...reminds me of Benjamin at that age. So fun!


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