Thursday, September 01, 2011


A few glimpses of here and there things this first day of September...

“It’s not so much how busy you are, but why you are busy. The bee is praised. The mosquito is swatted.”

~Mary O’Connor


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the glimpses!!!

  2. I love the tomato almost as big as Adele's little face. If you have time it is not a bother and if you so choose, can you please write a post about gardening. Composting, methods used and things that work and do not work for you.

  3. Beautiful moments, beautiful photos...the one with Adele and the kitty is just breath-taking, and smile-beckoning :).

  4. Agreed agreed....just lovely - and your tomatoes are making me quite green with envy!!

  5. Anonymous8:40 PM

    the picture of adele with the kitten is amazing!

    b in va

  6. Anonymous7:33 AM

    mmmmm looks wonderful!
    what is the yellow flower? i have been admiring them in neighbors yards, i am quite sure you would know the name : )

  7. Happy birthday, Corynn and Judah!!! Hope you both have a wonderful day! :)

  8. Happy Birthday to your darlings!!!!
    How did 1 year pass already....

  9. I am also wondering what the yellow flower (in front of the barn) is named. A old friend gave me a start from her yard, but she didn't know what it was called.

    Beautiful photos!

  10. Bobbi and Mrs. MK~ it is called an Outhouse Plant. It is nice and tall, so was planted near outhouses. Or so the story goes. ;-)

    Nancy~ I am no expert at gardening but I can share what I do now. Probably not for a while though. In the MEANTIME~ search my blog for lasagna gardening and you will get a series of 5 posts about my garden as it was two (three?) years ago when I started it. Hope that helps.

  11. Love your posts as of late...great idea about scheduling your it lets you set a time for a previously written post to automatically post? Or do you just write a few and then go in and quick post one???

    Lovely shawl that you are crocheting!!! I watched the movies you mentioned...they were sweet! Love the old fashioned clothing, dishes, etc in Babettes Feast... :)

  12. Love these.

    I'm also enjoying the thought that Adele' is in mid-leap in the fence picture instead of standing on the fence. She is astounding!


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