Friday, November 18, 2011

Airing my dirty laundry and other snapshots

~ she found a small, very old book in the basement entitled Think Before You Act and calls it her treasure. That moment, I saw the sun glistening her strands and pages illuminating her mind and called her mine.

~ I felt very proud of myself for doing a load of laundry that day. UNTIL I realized that a vent hole had yet to be cut into the wall, leaving the dryer unusable and no clothesline has been put up.

What?!? You don't think little undies and socks make good valances?!?!?
I say: "Tres chic!"

~ pumpkins and sunshine. The lighting is just so that you can not see the piles of metal scrap awaiting removal, the bags and bags of garbage on the porch, the exposed and trampled dirt left over from an emergency drainpipe/leach-field dig-up and fix-up, or the haybales that are trying desperately (and in vain) to help insulate a foundation that needs to be fixed next spring. Lovely lighting, no?

~ We wanted to get all moved before the snow flew but Jack Frost had other plans. It snowed the most beautiful covering of white~ the kind that sticks to trees and makes marvelous snowmen...... and makes moving a tremendous pain. But the children had a lovely diversion with the snow, though I fear Corynn may be allergic.

~ The first time we slept over, we all woke up at about the same time, came downstairs and stopped in our tracks. Andrew said "Woah! Look!" Corynn said " Mama look at the window!" and I just stared. The finest gold, and with a glimpse~ we are kings.

~ My first task was to get the counters in the kitchen cleared and the table in the dining room cleared so that we could at least fix REAL food and have a place to eat it. After a job well done, I fixed our first meal in the new house. Everywhere else was a D.I.S.A.S.T.E.R but the meatloaf, boiled potatoes and roasted vegetables never tasted so good. We even had some sparkling grape juice I had found in the cupboard when we were cleaning out Grams things.

~ miss him? Oh, that face.

Too busy to have been taking many photos these past few weeks, but I could muster these few.

One for each week I have been gone.

Figured I owed ya.


  1. My little monkeys are jealous of your little monkeys snowman, and Judah looks like he should be kissed every few minutes. (like my J.B. Though I'm usually kissing him to blind myself to the enormous path of destruction he leaves in his wake...)
    It looks like home- Gold indeed!

  2. What a wonderful way to start my day, looking at the great photos and seeing Judah's big eyes again. Missed you dearly but knew God was taking good care of you. Welcome back!

  3. Your attitude and determination to make this house your family's home is admirable. The glow from your window inviting--lucky you who get to see it daily. Your table was set beautifully--and your family well fed. Life is good, yes?? Thanks for the photos of the kiddos--they're so adorable.

  4. That little boy face. Oh my goodness, gracious!!! :) SOOOO SWEET!!

    Your dinner table looks just lovely!!!!!!

  5. Wow, We have missed you so much...and Judah, has grown by the biggillions!!! He is HUGE! And you all look gorgeous! I am so happy to see you back on here! So happy and thankful that the Lord is blessing you with a big OLD farmhouse! We have a farmhouse as well, only it isn't big, and isn't quaint...and doesn't carry history of our family! I am almost envious..but then I am a farmer's wife, I know the TRUTH! :)

  6. Beautiful! Thank you!

  7. Victorianlady~ you have Nooooo idea! Take one look at the place and you might go screaming down the road. It isn't a BIG old farmhouse by any stretch but it does have the old making it an adventure.

    And I am trying not to be envious of YOU, for reasons that I will someday have the strength to share. but not yet.

  8. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Perfection! Oh how I have missed your writing! Welcome back!
    Bobbi :)

  9. Your table is gorgeous! :) Silly question--how do you serve your boiled potatoes? What do you add, if anything, to them? (I need ALL the help I can get in the kitchen! :)

  10. Catie~ that particular night I used butter, sea salt, freshly cracked pepper and plenty of fresh snipped chives. Which reminds me~ the weather has turned very cold here now and if I don't get those herbs inside soon, I will have to say goodbye to fresh herbs this winter...

  11. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I needed a glimpse of you guys. I'm so glad you posted. I just thought about your wonderful clothesline at the Mansion (the one that I have coveted and described to B a million times, in the hopes of getting a replica of it for myself). Was it so solidly entrenched in the ground that it didn't make the move with you?

    Take care of yourself,my friend. Letter is on the way, wish I were travelling with it. Miss you all.

  12. So glad to see you back...I've missed you and all your wonderful pictures:) I had been thinking of you and wondering how your move was going. I know moving is so exhausting. Glad that you are in your new home..Look forward to hearing all about it! Judah sure is getting big:)I LOVE your clothesline curtains...:)
    Blessings to you & your sweet family, Jerelene

  13. Love that picture of Corynn.

    She's such a lovely golden girl.

    When can we have you over for boiled potatoes?!


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