Party details please- that looks like something I could stomach and I am desperate. (that and fastfood frenchfries. Wish homemade would sub.)
Greens. Tomatoes. Onions. Topped with wheat berry salad and ham/provolone rolls. With sunflower seeds sprinkled on it and Sweet Vidalia Onion dressing. (My favorite.) But french fries are good too. ;-)
Looks yummy! Did you make the wheat berry salad? Would you share the recipe? :)
Whatdya Think?
Party details please- that looks like something I could stomach and I am desperate. (that and fastfood frenchfries. Wish homemade would sub.)
ReplyDeleteGreens. Tomatoes. Onions. Topped with wheat berry salad and ham/provolone rolls. With sunflower seeds sprinkled on it and Sweet Vidalia Onion dressing. (My favorite.)
ReplyDeleteBut french fries are good too.
Looks yummy! Did you make the wheat berry salad? Would you share the recipe? :)