Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January in Review: A Resolutions Update

I promised a report at the end of each month as to how I am doing keeping up with my 2012 goals/resolutions and I intend to follow through with that so here I am, with Januarys' update. You don't care. You don't even remember. (Because, REALLY, who would?!) But your word is your word is your word. So here I am.

My 2012 goals are many, some are for the year but others are monthly and/or weekly~ among them, exercise 3 times a week, drink at least 60 oz. of water each day, read (specifically, in or about scripture) daily. These goals were really for the weekdays-not the weekends. Weekends are special in my book. Besides, ain't no way, no HOW I will be exercising in front of Matt.

Also~ each month I wanted to write at least one letter on the Sabbath and at least two letters, specifically, to my grandfather who is alone and would appreciate more than anyone, letters in the mail. I also wanted to tackle one house project per month and one homemade Christmas gift per month.

Here is a look at how I measured up in January:
(in red are the areas where I did not meet my goals)

(May I just say that public accountability is excruciating...but it is the excruciation that makes follow through terribly convincing to oneself.)

Exercise (3x per week): 17 times (totally exceeded my goal. YAY! And my waist measures 2 inches smaller too-though it doesn't feel it to me.)

Read (daily): every day. Scripture and/or Devotional

Drank 60 oz. of water: 23 times. I have now officially evolved backwards...into a fish. ;-)

Letter-writing: 17 letters (that includes thank-you notes from Christmas though so it isn't nearly as impressive as it sounds....)

Letters to Opa: 2

Financial Funds: Zilch

Did not have any money to set aside for savings or money to earmark for a car fund this month. I realized last year that by spreading payments (like auto insurance) out as a monthly payment not ONLY was I paying more in interest, but they were hitting me with a $5.00 INSTALLMENT fee-EACH month. Not cool. So I paid several bills for the whole year off once and for all, thus leaving nothing extra to be put away. It was worth it.

Homemade Christmas Gift Made: Homemade Vanilla Extract

It takes a few months (actually SIX, so if this is on your Christmas Gift List than be thinking about making a batch in the next few months! Don't know how? Here you go.)

House Project of the Month: Painted living room window, door and baseboard trim from brown to cream!

I started this project two weeks ago and stayed up way past my bedtime and had only gotten one half of the living room done. Last night when I was exhausted and had just folded 4 loads of laundry and watched everyone head upstairs to bed and all I wanted to do was follow them and sleep, I actually WOULD HAVE GONE WITH THEM had it not been for THIS post and you readers who, without knowing it-or even caring, were motivating me to finish it. Now, I can't be more happy that it is done and over with and that I took the extra time! So, thanks for that. ;-)

Family Reads: Finished three in the Narnia series: Prince Caspian, The Magicians Nephew, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (by audiobook-we listen while in the car which suits us well since it takes so long to GET to a store!) David and the Pheonix was started but not finished.

Scripture Memorization: Psalm 3. I couldn't recite it without a few peeks though. :-(

And of the yearly goals I accomplished:

Creating our Budget

February, I am ready for you!


  1. Bravo!
    I got your little box, which B. handed to me and said "Here! I got you something but forgot to bring it in earlier!" I fell for it. And nearly fell over laughing at your note. Now I'm working up the nerve to try them : )

  2. Anonymous1:42 PM

    YOU GO GIRL!!!! : )

  3. Hooray for you! You've accomplished much!

  4. Thats awesome! You should be very proud of everything you got accomplished this month.

    Im working on a blog post about how I am doing on my goals for 2012! We'll see if mine looks as good as yours. Im doubting it! ;)

  5. Wow. You are doing pretty good!

    Where do you buy your vanilla beans?

    Jess S.

  6. YAY!!! What a great start, girl!!! :)

  7. PS - I've been wanting to take a photo of me writing with my quill pen...hmmmmm...haha. :)

  8. You're such an inspiration, Rebecca! Truly! You help me to expect more of myself. Can you say, convicting? ;) Your post on stewardship a week or so ago was so timely. You encourage me to be a better Christian wife and mother. And for that I thank you, my friend. :D (((HUGS)))

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Rebecca, I have no idea how I came to be a follower of your blog, but I so enjoy hearing of your family and all the simple, ordinary things that make up your life. They are an inspiration to me. I love the way you love your husband children. I love the way you have to list everything. i.e. the list of canned and frozen foods. :) Now that my 4 are grown and starting families of their own, it is so encouraging to know there are families like yours still making home the most wonderful place to be. Keep up the great work! We are checking up on the resolutions. :)

  11. Thanks for the enthusiasm everyone! It is fun sharing things when you get some enthusiasm back at ya. So, guess I will keep making those lists!

    And Amber~ thank you for popping on and leaving a comment! It was very nice to hear from you!


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