Friday, March 09, 2012

A Hat from Way Back

A picture of a plain old hat on a plain white background....

..... because my model was uncooperative.

The hat was made to match the crocheted sweater I made for my nephew at Christmas...because I had a bit of blue Homespun left over just begging to be used up. (It still isn't.)

It looks too small on Judahs huge noggin but Davids head isn't all that huge. But winter hats aren't really conducive to 60 degree March days...

I hope he got (and continues to get) a few good wears out of it.

And the menu:

:::: for Thursday ::::


Homecanned grape juice
Chocolate-covered Strawberry Whole Wheat Scones

(I found the recipe
here but since I didn't have any chocolate chips I used chocolate I had bagged from leftover Christmas clearance (I hammered them into chunks). And, despite her friendly caveat, I had no fresh cream to dollop them with. But we won't tell her that........ And even without that little luxury, they were GREAT!)


We went to a luncheon at my sisters. I brought along deviled eggs. (I am very glad not everyone is as sick of eggs as we can be at times! It means I can take them places and people are actually EXCITED about it!)

Afternoon Snack~

Cashews (the last of them)
Cinnamon sugar almonds (from Christmas)
Triscut crackers (the last of them)


L.O.s (that is, leftovers)

I try to make large batches of food, just so I get a night off of cooking every now and again. We usually have leftover night once or, if I am VERY lucky, twice a week.


  1. Pretty hat, prettier model. Oh to look that good while crying.

    Loved the maple syrup post. Your property is so pretty, I think for a minute I would love to live in the country. Then I am reminded of how lazy and unlike you I am and those thoughts vanish. That is why the cottage needs to be built, so we can visit :)

    Question for the Q and A post.

    What do you do for chicken meat ? Toss older heritage egg layers into the pot ? Raise meat chickens ?

    As always you teach and inspire me. Thought you should know that.

  2. Adorable hat & sweater! :) I saw those scones at Quinn's...I drooled! :)

  3. LOL! I found you out anyway ;) Chalk up my insistence on the cream to being a big fat pregnant lady- we can be very opinionated! I'm glad you liked them anyway.

    Your uncooperative model looks most handsome in the new hat- I love it!!

  4. Love the little hat and the little model, both so cute! :D

    You're doing great with your challenge! I'll have to try those scones! I rediscovered Quinn's blog recently and love it just as much as the first time I read it.

  5. Rebecca

    How do you clean your eggs? When do you clean them? What do you clean them with? Curious how you go about using them after you collect them? And do your other animals like your dogs or cats bother the chickens when they are roaming? We want to start letting ours roam but I am afraid the cats or dogs will go after them?? Any words of advice you can offer on egg cleaning and protecting the chickens from the other animals? Thanks Brenda


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