Monday, March 05, 2012

Without a Room

A project in the works....

celebrating the fact that I finally warmed up the sewing machine again after a too-long hiatus.

NOT celebrating the fact that my new sewing space is also the runway for 12 running, toddling, tiptoeing, galloping, sliding, stomping, moving, chasing, busy BUSY feet.


  1. Very pretty hankies. I have about 18 of my mom's. She's been gone 4 years now and I still haven't done anything with them. I want to make something for each of my (2) brothers and myself--like a shadowbox of some sort. Would love to hear what you're doing with yours.

  2. Can't wait to see it finished! I've been hesitating to get my machine out for the very same reason.

  3. Gritting teeth: reciting dutifully: Thou shall not covet: Thou shall not covet!

    These are absolutely gorgeous-- a real treasure trove! I have one vintage hanky that I clutch close ('cause Gollum and I go way back). It's not nearly enough to do anything with but to blow my nose thereon, which, of course, I wouldn't dream of doing. Blowing one's nose on a handkerchief? Preposterous.

    I can't wait to see how you transform them. It can't be anything other than beautiful!

  4. I've been off and on the computer for a while (an hour, at least, I bet) to catch up and comment, but the internet is petulant and won't easily let me. I give up. Plus, the new comment verification flummoxes me. The old one was so much easier; thanks for nothing, Blogger!

    I probably typed a dozen comments that didn't make it through, so I'll just save them for the next time we see each other in person, which, if things continue like they have for the last month, might not be until glory!

    Just keep dreaming those dreams, Missus...:)

    I can see the syrup out the window, and I'm paranoid that it's burning. Lickety-split! Off like a flash! To save the sap! (Just imagine me waddling off now...)

  5. They're all so lovely! I can't wait to see your finished project!! :) Speaking of sewing, I need to go warm up my machine as well! I have a long "to do" list calling my name...

  6. i love love love the birdie one... such beautiful treasures! and yeah for taking the sewing machine out!

  7. Where, or where did you get all those hankies?! I love them, but have never been able to score any at thrift or antique stores, so far.


  8. Can I guess?? A hanky quilt? Genius!

  9. I can't wait to see what you come up with using all those hankies! My mother in law is an excellent quilter and she made the prettiest quilt using vintage hankies we found folded into butterflies...happy sewing!

  10. Oh my goodness. Drooling! Just posted a note to you internet has been down and so now it's up and I'm shamefully overloading on it. *blush* Went nuts on Pinterest...

    *rolleyes at self*

  11. Liv~ actually, MANY of them came from a blogging buddy who thought I would like them. And wow, was that an understatement! The others I have gotten at yard sales or bag sales.

    Mamey Jane~

    It is a shower curtain, which I will reveal whenever I can actually FINISH is slow going since I only have small moments to work on it and must pick it up in-between.

    I am excited to be using them but simultaneously sad that I will have used ALL my hankies. Especially when I saw a bed quilt made from them the other day. Your blog comment reminded me of it.

  12. Are those the handkerchiefs I think they are?!?!

  13. I just made a window valence out of my hanky collection, and I am going to make some toss pillows and a quilt out of the white lacy ones.


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