Monday, April 23, 2012

Peanut turned Panda turned Cowboy turned 6 year old.

The Peanut-turned-Panda-turned-Cowboy turned six a few weeks ago and had pretty much the best birthday ever. Nanny (that would be my Mom) made him a cake on the day before his birthday when we came over for dinner. He thought it was pretty amazing to be getting TWO cakes-one from her and the other from me.

On his actual birthday, Matt was supposed to be out of townall week and that was pretty depressing for everyone involved.  I decided that perhaps inviting Matts parents over for cake might brighten the birthday boys spirits and, in a very small way, make up for missing his Papa.

But after dinner and after presents, what should appear but two headlights in the driveway; two headlights that drove almost four hours home so they could share in Da-Doo's birthday bash.

So yeah.  Best birthday ever.

Andrew struggled for days with the terribly difficult decision of choosing a cow, a dragon or a skeleton cake.  Eventually, he could bear it no longer and told me he wanted me to surprise him.

(Between you and I, this was my favorite option!)

Knowing my Cowboy-Farmer well, I knew it had to be (yet ANOTHER) cow cake.  And knowing my own limits well, I knew the cow would be plastic and not sugar.

We went to Wegmans bulk candy section and I told each child they could pick ONE piece of candy.  I have never done this before and the children were amazed at their luck.  The choice of ONE candy took longer than my finding and bagging up all the candy I would need for the cake (rootbeer barrels, gray M&Ms, tootsie rolls, and a bit of Mary Jane sweetness. It worked out smashingly well, I might add.

Andrew was shocked and awed by the cake, which is the point after all. He told me later that he loves the surprise cakes I make because they have presents on them.

 I get the idea that this will be his method for the foreseeable future.  All to get more "hard plastic cows", he calls them.  Not cows.  Not toy cows.  Not soft plastic cows.  Hard plastic cows.

And there IS a difference, you know.

 Also that day we went and got him his very own library card. Oh-what a day it was. A six-year olds dream.

Or, at least, MY six year olds'.


  1. Anonymous4:48 PM

    completely [resisting 'udderly'] charming!

    b in va

  2. Hooray for Andrew and the Bestest Birthday Ever!!!!

  3. Oh, and I forgot to say. . . Hooray for his Mama, the best-est birtday cake decorator around! (Yeah, I know best-est isn't a word, but I love the sound of it coupled with birthday!

    Joking aside, Rebecca, I always do love to see the imaginative cake decorating ideas you come up with. The split logs and the barn are fantastic!!!!!

  4. Lovely! Happy birthday to the Cowboy. I love the cake!

  5. Such a cute cake, and I darn near did the same for the "farmer boy" in this house!
    (Which reminds me that I never posted photos of what I DID do, so I need to dig those up)

    Hard plastic cows, ha! cracks me up!

    Good for Matt!

  6. That is awesome! How wonderful that Matt could make it home. I love that you can buy just a few of several candies at Wegman's to do the cake and make it affordable.

  7. Sooooo cute! It's funny, I did a cake similar to this a few years ago for my farm lover, Sam. Here it is!

    I LOVE your wood pile & ax! :)

  8. I love decorating their cakes with little toys that they can keep and use. Thanks for reminding me.

  9. Reading about his daddy driving four hours home for his birthday made me cry... so yeah, best birthday ever! :)

  10. That is just moo cute! :D

  11. What a wonderful daddy to surprise his boy--and all of you--that way!

    And the cake? WOW! Truly impressive--love the use of the candy! I laugh to think what it would look like if I tried that! :)


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