Friday, June 08, 2012

On a Dewy Morning

What is one to do on a dewy morning?

Why, this:


In other news:
I am going to finally do it, I think.

After months of procrastination, I think I am going to finally change the template of my blog so that (wonder of wonders!) the archives work, you can view more than just one page, and you can search and find posts with much more ease.  I have baulked at this because with these wonderful changes, I must leave behind my most beautiful flowers and lady with babies, and scroll quote and just everything that makes my blog my 'happy place'.

I'll be working on it this weekend, hopefully, so if you come back and check in over the weekend-you might see a bit of stirred up dust while I tweak and clean up the place.  I don't look forward to a boring, plain-Jane blog look (that is all my computer talent-or lack thereof-will afford me) but I am going to do it anyway.

 For YOU, people, because I love ya.


  1. I love, love, love the photo of the spider web, and the 5th one up from the bottom of the iris. Very nice, Rebecca!

  2. The spider web picture is stunning! I love your idea of a circle of flowers. They are already very pretty!

  3. You are so talented! Think about selling some of your pics. Submit them to magazines. Can't hurt...

  4. Jennifer8:25 AM

    I love the photos! I have to ask what lense are you using? I am trying to teach myself how to take better pics, but I am inpatient, lol! Thanks!!!


  5. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Wow! These photos are amazing...any chance you would post details and camera settings you used to get those shots? I am a just beginning to get the hang of my DSLR camera.
    I enjoy your blog so much.

  6. Beautiful photos, as always, Rebecca! I, for one am excited about the blog changes. I want to be able to search your blog!

  7. I can almost smell the freshness of your dewy morning! I am drinking it in!

  8. Beautiful photos!! Love them all!

    Have fun with your blog update. If you are staying with blogging and have any questions, let me know. I can try and help. I love messing with code. :)

    Take care!

  9. Beautiful pictures Rebecca.

    (And we are totally tracking! I recently changed my blog template just, well, because I was sick of it. :)

  10. Stunning, Rebecca! A breath of fresh air after a long day!!!!

  11. Thanks for bringing back so many childhood memories with those photos!! I was in awe when I'd wake up and walk out side to dew.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that spiderweb shot! Gorgeous!!!


  12. I've been checking to see what you've done, between garden work, dishes and laundry- I like it! And I was all worried when you said you were changing it, but this looks very Rebecca to me : )

  13. LOVE the new look you have! The photo is stunning!! Good job!

  14. Like the new look. Seems like the photos stand out better. Keep up the great work. Love to read your posts.

  15. Anonymous1:20 PM

    the 1st picture -- my favorite EVER -- just breathtaking!

    b in va

  16. THe pictures of course are stunning..
    But your new blog looks wonderful! Good work girl!

  17. Greg[Bonnies dad}3:58 PM

    These pics are beautiful! You get first place!
    Bonnies dad


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