Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sketch Tuesday (a new intrigue)

One thing (for us) that is often pushed aside during the school year (and tragically so) is Art.  We do projects throughout the year, but not nearly as often as I would like.  The children draw all the time, but always what is in their head and not something that would expand their mind a bit through interpretation.

So when I saw on this blog that she participates in a Sketch Tuesday, I thought it would be a perfect summer project for us!  Unfortunately, the REAL Sketch Tuesday is on hiatus until July 3rd, but this gal offered up a few themes of her own and I am playing along.  If nothing else, it will give us a bit of practice before the real Sketch Tuesday begins again.

And because good things become GREAT with just the teeniest bit of effort...I bought small sketch books for the children!  The only rule is the sketch book is ONLY for Sketch Tuesday drawings (otherwise, they would fill it in a day!)  That sketchbook-of-their-very-own made the children CRAZY excited to start, let me tell you!

And because I want to (and because it is good for me to AND because when I sit with them and do art, they take more time with their own art), I will be participating too.  (Don't LAUGH.)

Our first weeks' theme was "Something with Fur On"

 by Adele' (3)

by Andrew (6)  
(We happened to see a fox that day!)


  1. What a wonderful idea! The sketches all are lovely! A sketch book devoted to Sketch Tuesday would have been a true motivation to my kids when they were young, as well. Smart Mama. ;)

  2. Whoa, look at Adele's picture! They are all good but I'm very impressed with Adele's! :)

  3. I'm delighted that you decided to join in with your kids to do Sketch Tuesday! It is one of my favorite times with my kids! What a good idea to keep a special sketchbook for these assignments. I'm sure your kids will treasure them as they grow older.

  4. What a great idea!

    I really like the look of your blog too. :)

  5. Thanks for the reminder! We used to participate in Sketch Tuesday and our kids really enjoyed it. Easy way to incorporate art in our week!


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