Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Doings

  • Made breakfast (dippy eggs and whole wheat toast)
  • Gave chickens water.  Gathered eggs.  (Children did other animal chores)
  • Pulled last of onions out into the sunshine to cure
  • It is supposed to rain tomorrow so I wanted to get laundry done today: did FOUR loads of laundry, hung them on line to dry.  (All caught up!)
  • cleaned toilet (it needed it!)
  • had children clean their rooms
  • baked Oatmeal Raisin Lassies (the second half of a double batch made last week-so only cookie sheets for dishes!)
  • harvested Calendula, Chamomile, and Lavender.  Set to dry.
  • did dishes from breakfast (and yesterday.)
  • made lunch (peanut butter and banana sandwiches.  Tuna for me.)
  • blogged here and a few new recipes here
  • after the children were done cleaning their rooms, I went in and deep cleaned (because you know their idea of clean is not MY idea of clean) GIRLS room (swept under beds, dusted, purged a few things etc.)  BOYS room will be tomorrow.
  • emptied garbage in kitchen
  • went uptown:  Went to Aldi, Bank, Walmart and Library.
  • came home: put groceries away.
  • Took laundry off the line and put onions under cover.
  • Made dinner (Salad bowls topped with chicken pieces and fries (sans fries for me) with pickled eggs on the side.)
  • harvested more tomatoes from the garden
  • Did dinner dishes.
  •  plucked millions of teeny cilantro leaves from lovely, long stalks of a hugely generous bunch of cilantro a friend gave me.  Prepared them for freezing.
  • Swept kitchen and living room wood floors.
  • Sat down to read a book for herb reference and then got up 20 minutes later...books do that to me.
  • Vacuumed living room rugs.
  • Folded four loads of laundry while watching part of The Help (good movie!)
 Heading to bed now... g'night.


    1. If you liked the movie, you should read the book; it's even better.

    2. And I thought I was busy yesterday : )
      Impressed, thoroughly

    3. I am one who does like what you post about our 'doings', motivates me to keep up. You're like a trainer for so many of us!

    4. My oh my you do a lot in one day! But I guess you don't have a four week old baby like I do. Makes all the difference, right?;)

      And yes, I enjoy seeing what other people accomplish in a day. Even if it is more than I ever do :)

    5. compared to you, I'm a couch potato! XD

      *Says I while eating fritos...*


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