Thursday, December 27, 2012


Sweet moments of happy still lingering from Christmas. 

He fell asleep on me.  I couldn't resist.

Embroidered pillowcases?  Love.  Quilts?  Love.  The Bear?  Love.

I finished that knitted dishcloth, by the way.  ;-)

Last minute gift making

This is what happens when your crazy brother swipes your camera

The camera went off without me and everyone thought it was hilarious.  I love their REAL smiles.  This picture makes ME smile.

For Mom- these were the two keepers.  You decide!  ;-)

Christmas morning.   Stockings are one of my favorite parts of Christmas.

I wasn't the only one making gifts this year.  Andrew stitched this cow for Papa all by himself. 

This was the first year in 10 that we stayed home for Christmas and by the time I realized I would be feeding my own family for dinner, it was too late!  We ate leftover lasagna for dinner but I made Brandy Snaps for dessert so that made things "feast-ish".

Candles, too, always make things special.

A timely read and some beef stew with a biscuit,  It was snowing- so it was perfect.

Hope the joy of Christmas is long lingering for you also!


  1. Absolutely beautiful pictures, all of them! Your younger siblings are getting SO BIG!!! Great job, Andrew on the cow! :)

  2. Anonymous5:40 PM

    blessed, so very.

    b in va

  3. GORGEOUS photos! SO crispy & clear! I'm especially fond of the one of the candle, book, and stew! SOOOO PERFECT! Thanks for spreading the joy around a bit longer!!! :)

  4. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Your photographs are so beautiful.
    They made me smile and sigh. You have a gift with words also. Your Christmas letter is lovely.

    Connie in CA

  5. Just love seeing and savoring your photographs. It's a feeling I can't put into words, how much I love to check everyday to see what you and your family are up to. I love the last photo. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  6. Stacey5:07 PM

    Beautiful pictures....beautiful things to photograph. I also love the happy lingering!

  7. I Love all the photos, so holiday, so festive, so beautiful, Except the family photos of me, since when do I have a massive double chin? Apparently I better get back on track and SUPER FAST. Horrible, No Good, Terrible, Ick. Did I mention YUCK! Everyone and Everything Else is so lovely though :)

  8. Sandy1:31 PM

    Hi Rebecca!
    I have next to zero time to read blogs and even less to comment on the 1 or 2 I have read:-) I've got a new little one in the house! And I've been away from the internet (had the baby in a different country to the one I live in, long story:-) BUT I had to swing by and let you know that I had another little girl and we have named her Rebecca:-) I have always loved the name, but reading your blog has made me love it even more! So Rebecca Grace she is:-) Just wanted ya to know;-)

  9. Thank you Ladies~ for all the wonderfully sweet comments. You all are too kind!

    Elizabeth~ it isn't a matter of YOU. It is a matter of a camera being pointed UP and people looking down. Everyone has double chins- it happens. The result of impromptu picture taking sans a tripod. So, no worries. Besides- you just posted gorgeous self-portraits on your blog so I don't want to hear it. ;-)

    Sandy! Just about the COOLEST comment I have ever received! THANK YOU. And hearty congratulations on that sweet little (international!) one of yours! May God richly bless you and her this year and every!


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