Sunday, February 03, 2013

Beauty 5:52

Okay. So I am having a really hard time feeling inspired with the camera lately. (This happens every winter.)

Originally I was going to make my photo challenge for the year a self-portrait challenge (one self-portrait a week).  Having a specific subject seemed like an easy challenge (you know how when you have TOO many options, it makes things harder?) but quickly tossed that idea to the wind because, frankly, I didn't want to see myself that much.

Then I changed it to a BEAUTY challenge, hoping that I would be inspired to look through the camera more strategically than my recent pointing and shooting. But that isn't seeming to be working for me either. So I thought today, if I am not feeling inspired, why not resort to a photo about my week?

When you lack inspiration, you can always do "real".   (I hope anyway.)

Here is as real as it gets, people.

My weekend, in a nutshell.

I'll try to get some beauty thrown in here, but for now, you get real.  ;-)  Happy weekend!


  1. Love it! <3 I loved your photo week challenges. It got my rear out there trying to venture out of my comfort zone. After baby #5 things sloooooowed down with taking photos. Id love a challenged to get going again!

  2. Rebecca, that is "real" AND "beautiful"! Ordinary, real life IS beautiful, in my mind ;)

  3. Lindsey's photographs- you are more than welcome to join me! I *plan* on posting mine on Sundays. You see how successful I have been at THAT though! Let me know if you do it- I'd love to pop over!

    Ruth- you are, of course, entirely right, you know. :-)


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