Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Red Tulip

We had a lone tulip bulb tucked in between pine trees and driftwood...and that is just pathetic for a Dutch girl.  I had better plant more (I must!  It is my duty!) but in the meantime, that single solitary bloom was absolutely thrilling to watch.

My Farm Boy (that would be Andrew) would give me almost HOURLY reports on its' status from the moment he found it.  When it finally opened, he asked if I would take a picture.

He must have forgotten for a moment who his Mama is.


  1. Imagine how much delight next year's dozens will bring!

    You may go ahead and plant some kielbasa for me, too.

    (Garden's cleared, but it remains un-tilled, and I can do no more. I am free for your use. Yes?! Pester, pester, pester, pester...)

  2. Stunning!

  3. Driftwood......?
    Your red tulp definitely beats my pink ones for Dutchness, but I'm very pleased with mine as well.
    Your post made me laugh; brilliant!!
    Love from the Dutch girl in England

  4. Els- Someone found driftwood (wood made smooth by water) and lugged it up under some trees in a few places here. I don't know who and I don't know why- but there it sits! A Tulip Queen in her Driftwood throne.


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