Tuesday, July 23, 2013

2012 "Put 'Em Up" List

Well.  It's that time again!

We went huckleberry picking twice last week (and hopefully we will get out once more before the season is over!) which means the official 'preserving the harvest' has begun!  Time to record last years list and wipe the slate (and sidebar) clean! 

The 2012 "Put 'Em Up List"


* Broccoli, 5 gallons
* Huckleberries, 22.25 pounds
* Beet Greens, 8 pounds
* Swiss Chard, 2 pounds
* Peach wedges, 9 pounds
* Yellow squash, 12 large squash
* Pesto, about 9 cups so far
Pork "Cracklings" 7 gallons
Corn, 50 ears
Pumpkin, 14 cups
Roasted Red Peppers, 22 peppers
cilantro, 12 cubes


* Peaches, 21 qts
* Bread and Butter Pickles, 9 pts
* Zucchini Relish, 7 jars
* Squash "Pineapple", 8 pts
* Pickled Beets, 12 pts.
* Beets, 5 qts and 9 pts.
* Jalapeno Jelly, 7 jars
Potatoes, 7 qts.
White Corn and Black Bean Salsa, 11 pints
Spaghetti Sauce, 24 qts. and 9 pints
Green Beans, 7 qts. and 10 pints
Applesauce, 28 qts.
Apple Butter, 35 jars


*Bananas, 11 pounds
*Bell Peppers, 30
*Summer squash, 19

*Corn, about 30 ears
* Sun-dried Tomatoes, 2 pints
* Lemon Verbena
* Lavender
* Chamomile
* Calendula

~ Other ~

* Rendered Lard, 6 gallons and 5 qt., Rendered Tallow 3 gallons
* Infused Oils~ plantain, calendula, lavender, lemon verbena
Pumpkins, Winter squashes (buttercup, acorn and delicata), 4 bushels
Onions, 135
* SOAPS: peppermint, lemon verbena, orange creamsicle, vanilla brown sugar


  1. WOW!!! Mercy!!! Way to go!!! I made strawberry jam lol. Great job!

  2. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I've never had huckleberries before...are they a wild blueberry? I love to find wild elderberries to make jelly...best jelly I've ever tasted! I found wonderfully sweet blueberries at Aldi this year--I bought some to freeze, but am going back for more. No upick place around here. Hoping to get some peaches at an Amish market to can. Keep sharing all those beautiful pics...you help keep me motivated! Blessings...Janet

  3. One more thing:
    I also took a picture of flash-frozen berries. :)

    p.s. I can't bear to use your lemon verbena soap. It's too pretty. What did you use for a mold?

  4. Rebecca, do you have red huckleberries where you are? We have both blue and red huckleberries in the redwood forest in northern California, and the red are my favorites. BTW, I'm impressed with the amount of food that you put up and STILL have time for the rest of life.

  5. Christina-just HAD to rub that in, huh? :-) The one thing I didn't do!

    Janet- yes, huckleberries are wild blueberries and are MUCH smaller than a blueberry but I think they have a more pronounced flavor too. I prefer them especially though because they are FREE! ;-)

    Abby- I used a metal muffin/cake tin. If you spray them with nonstick spray and put them in the freezer before you pop them out then they come out easily. I really like that mold because (it sounds really weird but...) the shape makes them flip around in your hand like butter. Much more graceful than a cumbersome bar. Use it! I'll make more! (I've been thinking it is high time to make some lavender!)

    Anna- no- I haven't seen any red ones before! How neat!

  6. Oooh, thanks!

    Add to buying list:
    one pretty metal muffin tin
    one can spray stuff

    I am glad to know this because they turned out beautifully, and now I know I can use metal as molds! Thanks, Missus.


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