Monday, July 29, 2013

A Week of Lists: Monday

This Saturday I am hosting a Newman family picnic.  (The second of what seems to be turning into an annual tradition.)  Then, because August days are filling up so quickly with things I also scheduled to host a library ladies garden brunch the day before, on FRIDAY.  My theory was I could kill two birds with one stone or: two (parties) with one (deep house cleaning).  In theory, it sounds fabulous- in reality, it may not be. It is curious that everyone I have told has thought I was insane.  Matt said I am a glutton for punishment.

Needless to say, this week is going to be VERY busy planning (and preparing) to host two shin-digs in one weekend.  Yesterday I took my Sabbath rest seriously.  I crocheted, I wrote letters, I read- all in the flower garden.  I did nothing else.  At all.

In lieu of normal blog posts this week, I am going to post my to-do lists for each day.  Nothing like a public accountability to motivate someone to get things done!  Plus, I know for a fact that a few of you like sneak peeks into daily activities.  For those who don't....sorry about this.  But it is either this or I disappear for a week.  :-)

These lists are overly-ambitious, but that helps to keep me chugging along.  Anything I miss will be rolled-over into tomorrow's list.  I'll let you know how I did tonight!

To-Do for To-Day

* put away three baskets of folded laundry from over weekend
* change sheets on childrens' beds and add mattress covers
* wash sheets/hang to dry/fold/put away
* do load of clothes and a load of towels (all caught up on laundry if this gets done!)
* fold said loads and put away
* figure out the MENU I will be serving at both shin-digs / write grocery list
* write must-do's before parties
* take Corynn to last American Girl Class at library
* grocery shopping day- go to town while Corynn is in her class.
* mail letters from yesterday
* thin beets
* finish wedding/newspapering/hay mulching asparagus bed
* plant peas, lettuce, spinach
* make refrigerator pickles
* weed two buckets worth from garden (Corynn and Andrew- a bucket each)
* sweep hallway floor (Andrew)
* make/drop off invite to library brunch
* freezer seal flash-frozen huckleberries
* dinner (gazpacho and grilled crusty bread)
* dishes
* call Linda and Ruth about party
* have Matt epoxy kitchen countertop (he did!)
* planted three perennial clumps my MIL brought over (this wasn't originally on the list, but it had to happen for them to transplant well.)

BIG JOB for the day:
* organize bookshelves in stairway (Adele' and Corynn helped)
* take any yard sale books/duplicates to granary
* dust cobwebs in stairway
* shelve piles of books on stairs
* sweep and wash stairs (Adele' washed, Corynn swept)

Have a good day!


  1. Yay parties! The ladies lunch- oh so envious! My sister I and are going to a friends church this evening for a gardening/canning talk, I'm SO looking forward to it (and B. mentioning every few hours that I should go (unprompted) makes me feel less guilty for being gone for an evening).
    I just pulled 2 buckets worth of weeds. And I'm thinking maybe I'll just cut them down to ground level with garden shears....

  2. P.S. We're having sloppy Joe's tonight.

  3. I am pretty envious about that lunch too! Please post pictures! It soubds like you have a very busy week ahead! Thanks for not abandoning your readers, haha. Lists are great1 I'm a list maker too. Heres to hoping all the hard work pays off in an excellent weekend!

  4. I am beyond wowed (daunted!) by your plans for the day's work and eager for tonight's update!
    Wishing you all good things as you do all that you do.
    b in va

  5. Methinks someone misses the excitement of lists in in-boxes again! Methinks it's the season to begin again! Methinks "methinks" is a silly word to repeat, and methinks I'm joking about the excitement of inbox listies! Methinks!

    Good luck this week, Rebecca. Even if portions of the lists linger, it will be a lovely weekend, and your work will be rewarded.

  6. p.s. I'm eating gazpacho and buttered, crusty bread for BREAKFAST. Good call, there. :)

  7. i'd do the a lot of it will be do once, profit twice...and it will be fun...i'd o pay to go to your brunch!!!!!

    you should look at the prudent homemaker blog...she hosts could host tea parties...will "classes" on weeding..hhaha....your garden would be weed free in 2 lunches

  8. seeing all that you were able to cross off your list . . .

    wow. just wow.


  9. Abigail- methinks you are correct.

    Mapleleaffarm- would you believe just YESTERDAY I discovered her blog? Quite by accident too- but fell in love immediately. Anyone who can feed a family of 9 on $100.00 a month is pretty GREAT in my book. (PLus, she takes gorgeous photographs and grows her own peaches. What a gem!)

    Weed classes- yes!


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