Wednesday, August 07, 2013

The Reunion

When we moved into this house, everyone kinda half-joked that we had to host Christmas for the Newman side of the family because this house had seen every Christmas since they could remember.  But Christmas was only two months into  moving in and we were still deep in the throws of fixing things up.  I was not entirely thrilled with the notion.  I wanted the house to be presentable when we finally presented it.

I suggested instead we host "Christmas in July".  I wanted everyone to be able to stretch their legs outdoors not be crammed in like sardines, enjoy good weather and especially, so that I could feed people from the garden.  Last year, despite the middle barn falling down the week prior, was a success.  Year #2, and I believe it is an official 'tradition'.

It's always hard to wait for the fun to begin.  
Because I had worked on cleaning and food prep throughout the week and had the tablecloths, flowers and table decorations from Brunch In The Garden the day before all ready to go- the morning of the reunion was (dare I say it?) relaxed.  I spent the morning finishing up the foods, feeling completely unhurried.  In fact, when the drinks were being chilled and the beans were simmering on the stove and still a few hours before people showed up- I decided to bake one more blueberry pie.  You see, Matt might have eaten a slice (or two) of the one I had made the day before...

Though there was 30+ people, I opted for mason jar glasses.  (Did I ever tell you I got a dishwasher?!?  I did!  What better way to celebrate than with a bunch of canning jar cups?!?)

I thought it was so pretty.

Those empty jars are going to be filled pretty soon...

I wish I had gotten a picture of those far bouquets.  They were bold and beautiful.

Kelly brought homemade wine.  It was
For Beth- you ask and I deliver!  ;-)
The wicker birdcage was the wedding card holder at our wedding many moons ago. sigh

That white wicker loveseat was about to be burned when I saved the poor thing.  It came with a pretty gross cushion that wasn't even intended for it and I have wanted a new one for the longest time.  Walmart had one perfectly suited for it (perfect shape, perfect color) for $25.00 and I would look at it every time I went to Walmart.  But $25.00 was $25.00 more than I wanted to part with so every time I told myself "Make Do or Do Without".  Earlier in the week, I finally got the gumption to raid my fabric stash and find something suitable and make a cover for it.  The cushion still is more shaped for a chair than a loveseat, but this is me 'making do'.   I think it looks wonderful.  Especially for free.

(Matt says I have a story for everything.  I guess he is right.)

I wish I would have taken a picture of the food table all filled up with goodness- but by then guests were arriving and I didn't want to fulfill the role of 'obnoxious host with a camera'.  I love to take pictures, and do ALL THE TIME, but when other people are around- well, that cramps my style and I get to feeling all dorky. 

This was a dish-to-pass type par-tay, so there was SO MUCH FOOD.  Even at potluck style get-togethers, I like to have one of each type of food: main dish, appetizer, dessert, side dish.  That way, if everyone brings desserts, there are still a few savory things.

We provided:

 ~Hotdogs (with zucchini relish) and marinated chicken
~Refrigerator dill pickles
~Baked beans
~Garlic and herbed cheese cucumber cups
~Blueberry pies
~Leftover blueberry buckle from Brunch (happy happenstance)

Lemonade and Peppermint tea

Everyone else brought everything else...such yumminess.  My shorts feel tight- I know exactly why and I am not sorry.

Gary and Linda brought corn on the cob- 5 dozen ears of picked that morning corn, grilled to perfection

.  It was divine.

There was even a game of wiffle ball.  Now THAT sort of thing doesn't happen in December, does it?

And the end of the party was as beautiful as the beginning.


  1. You did a great job, as usual, Rebecca. I'm exactly the same way about taking pictures when people are around. I get embarrassed and feel silly. Of course, the comments people make DO NOT help! lol

    Have a blessed day!

  2. You throw a good party!

  3. Wonderful everything! My son is graduating this year. I'm going to buy more jars for drinking out of, great idea!
    You're blessed to have all the room! What a lovely day and evening! Great job!:)

  4. I just had the great pleasure, after having been away for a few days, of soaking up your recent posts -- the bird cage! the bird cage! I swoon -- your blueberry pies and blueberry buckle! - are the recipes on your food blog? am heading over there next to check and see - if not...will you share them some time?

    what a beautiful life ~

    inspired and grateful -

  5. Coming from one who hosts large summertime and autumn and winter shindigs, you are BRILLIANT for settling on Christmas in July. Absolutely brilliant. I could try to host outside for Christmas this year...maybe?

    You were a wonderful host, I'm sure. Everything sounds and looks delicious!172

  6. 172 is carefully coded. It means "And how!"

  7. p.s.

    Adele' in that dress and those boots?

    Snatching her.


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