Saturday, October 05, 2013



Apple cider, flannel shirts, pumpkins replacing flowers in table centerpieces, roasted veggies for dinner, garden clearing, ginger cookies.  Dried cattails, potato digging, time for knitting, crunchy footsteps, harvest moon.

I have been in denial about autumn's return for a very long time.  "Nah- it isn't here" says I.  

"Soon-" I would concede "but not yet."

Well, on the way home from church last Sunday I noticed that when we reached our sleepy little town, the trees were ablaze with color.  I think it took our peak of color to convince me we were finally into Fall.  And what a peak!  Some years are dull but not this one.  This fall is glorious!

 Happy Fall Y'All.


  1. Your trees are stunning! I'm getting anxious for ours to be at full color. i love fall too!

  2. WOW! Send some of that color our way! So far all I'm seeing is brown leaves falling :/ BORING!

  3. Absolutely lovely.
    Have a wonderful fall!

  4. beautiful glimpses ~ especially love the picture of you and your darling, big-paw'd bear.
    happy, happy fall to you and yours!

  5. You live in a fall wonderland! Gorgeous pictures. Leaf falling capture is so cool! The kids at the dinner table - timeless beauty!

  6. Your photos are GORGEOUS! I am in New England this weekend/week and am looking forward to all the fall eye candy!

  7. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Wow... Thank you for sharing these stunning pictures!

    Living down south, we still have at least a month or more before the warm colors start to emerge.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend~

  8. Thanks for the beautiful pictures.
    I love the light on Andrew's and Adele's faces while they eat their eggs. And you look beautiful (I'm coveting that shirt. Ok, I repent.).

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thank you for the eautiful pictures! The colors are so vibrant! One of the things I miss about our old home was the view, rolling hills which showcase the beautiful fall leaves.

    Leah T.

  11. stacey3:42 PM

    Wow, so pretty! Jealous of your colors!!

  12. Beautiful Rebecca..Really Beautiful! :)

  13. Thank you for the beautiful photos! Judah is GROWING so fast!

  14. It seems too early to have that much color!

  15. Tracy- actually, now we are just down to bare branches. A wind and rainstorm took all the gorgeousness away just two days after I took these pictures. Now it is just drab and brown until spring. :-(

  16. I sure miss those vibrant, fall colors up there!

  17. Wow! I get Autumn envy every time I see how pretty fall is in states north of mine. Thank you so much for sharing.

    I love the two photos one after the other of the potatoes dug and the potatoes roasted. Both beautiful and a wonderful visual of your 'earth to table' approach to food.

  18. Gorgeous views! I love all that barn red, too. In winter, the contrast between it and clean white will be stunning.

    Lastly, that shot of Andrew, long-gaited, ax-swinging, with sun flare shining, reminds me a storybook illustration. It's great.


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