Friday, November 08, 2013

Finances on Friday

 I've been thinking on:

"If your everyday life seems poor, don't blame it; blame yourself; admit to yourself that you are not enough of a poet to call forth its riches; because for the creator there is no poverty and no indifferent place." - Rainer Maria Rilke


Some financial efforts for the week:

* bought a clearance costume and a few clearance masks this week when I went to bring my Mom a meal after her surgery.  The princess costume was $5.00 and will be an Adele' birthday present later this month.  The masks were $3.00 each (I got two) and will be used for our homemade Renaissance Faire and as another gift.

* set aside four sandwich baggies full of Halloween candy to be used for stocking-stuffers at Christmas. (the children were none-the-wiser.)

* set aside all the trick or treat M&M bags of Halloween Candy to be used in trail mix when we don't have big bowls of candy at our disposal (though I don't anticipate THAT anytime soon)!  ;-)  (The children were none the wiser.  I am sneaky that way.)

Can you tell I am trying to get this candy out of my reach before I gain all the weight I lost back?!?  I am kind of freaking out.  Candy, Candy!  I want more candy!  (I am such a kid...I know.)

* went to a free knitting class at the library and borrowed over a dozen books for school.

* hung jeans, sweaters and other "thick" things on the clothesline and by the woodstove.  ( I am no longer hanging ALL my clothes on the line because it is too...brrrr..cold.)

* Matt called a man interested in buying old barn beams in hopes to make a few bucks AND clean up a bit more from the middle barn collapse.

* used a free Redbox code for a movie rental

* returned part of an order made last week for a refund because I ordered the wrong (more expensive thing!)  I replaced it with what I actually *needed* and got A $40+ REFUND.  Yay.  That excess money will go toward replacing our printer whenever I can get enough cash around to do so.

* I used another free shipping code for above transaction.  (This saved $6.00)

* Judah took a pair of scissors and completely massacred a library book during rest time, unbeknownst to me.  The fee was almost $30.00 to replace through the library system but my kind, wonderful, understanding librarian said I could replace the book myself since it was one of theirs~  I was able to buy a copy for $4.00 on Amazon. 

* roasted pumpkin seeds from our jack-o-lanterns

* roasted jack-o-lanterns after Halloween and made pumpkin puree (over 20 cups)

* harvested last four cabbages from garden

* canned last of our apple tree apples.  Wound up canning 20 quarts of applesauce this go-round, making a total of 58 quarts of applesauce for the year.  I also canned up 29 pints of apple butter.

* gratefully received a beautiful box of yarn and fabric from a blog reader who was cleaning out her craft room (Thanks Ulli!!)

* went to a .25 rummage sale (everything was a quarter) and got five or six things to resell at the consignment shop (including a full length wool coat), along with a set of queensize sheets for our bed and a pair of church pants for Andrew.

* picked up our bulk food order and paid for it in cash

* downloaded a free scripture song entitled "We Trust" by SeedsFamilyWorship.


  1. A 25 cent rummage sale? I never heard of that, but it sure sounds like fun. Sounds like you got some great finds, too! Way to go!

  2. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I would love your apple sauce recipe. Do you add any sugar or vanilla?


  3. I just tried to not spend any money and then our car broke down....after my week of thriftiness...and cost 500 bucks to repair. Gah.

  4. I love the quote at the beginning of your post. We get to be "poets" and call forth the riches in our everyday life :-)

  5. I, too, love the quote. You are definitely a poet! My heart was in my mouth when I read that Judah had destroyed a library book, and SO relieved to find that you were able to find a replacement for $4!

  6. Ulli- a 25c yard sale is an election day treat in our small town. Mostly it is junk- but occasionally you can find a few things!

    Sarah- I don't really have a recipe because I try and do all the apples at once (and so, the quantity varies.) I cook the apples with a small amount of water on the bottom of a pan until they are softened and then I run them through my foodmill. I add sugar, yes, and cinnamon- both to taste. I have never thought to add vanilla! That sounds scrumptious.

    Alyssa- I am so sorry! That stinks so bad! Imagine how it would have felt if you hadn't have saved any money the week before!

    Mary- I loved it too.

    Anna- me too! Boy was I thankful for my librarians' kind understanding. And thank you for your comment that I am a poet- very generous considering just a few days ago I was complaining complaining complaining.


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