What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Yarn Along~ (and a few Handmade gifts)

Christmas-making has begun in full force.  Nothing as motivating to get things started than four voices that chime the countdown each day. 

"Only 21 days left", says they.

"Slow down!  Slow down!"  says I.  

And not slow down to Christmas.  Just slow down to life in general.  What happened to those long, drawn out days of my childhood? The feeling of never ending summertimes?  Empty days?  No one told me that I would lose those when I got older.  (Or if they did, I wasn't listening.)  All of the sudden I am a wife and have four children who enjoy the very same long, drawn out days that I can't seem to find............................


Back to Christmas. Where was I?  21 days... yes, that was it.

The gift-making has begun in earnest. 

For some time now, my fingers have been fumbling through knitting projects.  I was trying so long to knit that my crocheting went by the wayside.  Then, a friend had a baby and, given my procrastinating nature, I knew I had to get a baby gift started or I never would.  I picked out some yarn from my stash and a crochet hook and I sat down.  When I got back up, VOILA!, a finished product.  Well, let me just say it has been FOR.EVER. since I had a project that could be done in one sitting!  It was joyous!  It was liberating!  And I decided right then and there that any handmade yarny gifts this Christmas would be CROCHETED. 

How fun it has been to realize how quickly I can crochet something up, after so long of knitting so sloooowly. 

My most current project is a brightly colored cowl featuring all the 'favorite' colors of the children.  It is a gift but I can't say for who.  ;-)  I am shooting for one similar to this.  I hope to finish it up tonight. 

Meanwhile, I am reading French Kids Eat Everything and getting a culture lesson~ the French, it seems, thinks we Americans are pretty repulsive individuals.  I can't say I disagree with them, in some respects.  It has been interesting to read, though I will say I can relate more to the French than to the author.

A few other recently finished handmade gifts o' yarn:

Baby Pixie hat.  The colors are pastel yellowish green and grey.  I was hoping the colors would be subtle but still boyish- though on the Heidi doll it does look kinda girly.  :-/  (That's it.  I need a newborn to model things!)  I found the button in my button tin and it was absolutely perfect.  It had glimmers of color equal to both shades of yarn when angled just so. 

Adele' is taking her job of holding the doll still VERY SERIOUSLY.  (sweetness.)

Cowboy booties.  If ever I have another 'cowboy', I am definitely making a pair of these to keep!  

 The Super Chunky Cowl wasn't quite as chunky as I thought it would be, but I was just using Lion Brand Homespun (something I had on hand) versus an extra chunky yarn which made a difference. 

Even so, I think the recipient will like it. 

Oh~ and lookie, lookie who has been busy with her own crochet hook!  

(Does my heart proud!)


Rozy Lass said...

Your crocheting is wonderful! Just FYI, when my frugal mother wanted chunky yarn she used two skeins together, instant chunky! Also, I read that same book about French Kids and loved it! I wish I had read it twenty-five years ago when I began having children. Oh well; it's on my list of books to give to my children when they have children. Thanks for sharing all your great projects. Keep up the good work.

Leah T. said...

Love all the yarn-y projects! The cowls look warm and cozy. And that little hat! The boots are soooo cute! :D

Corynn is looking so grown up! And how fun to be crafting together. We got Esther a little scarf knitting kit for her birthday. I've helped her cast on and knit a couple rows. She's really enjoying it. :)

I've finally been able to get some knitting done myself. It had been a good 4.5 months since I'd picked up my needles. Christmas gift making was a huge motivator in spite of a baby who only wants to be held by mama.

Anne@BackyardTreasures said...

Oh my, Can't believe you have the pattern for the cowboy booties. My first born son (now 30 years old!) had a pair given to him when he was born. They were passed down to most of the others that came along (we had 9), until they finally wore out. I always wondered if there was a pattern out there, but never bothered to look. My crocheting days had been put on "hold" for years, but I recently picked up a hook again and am teaching my 12 year old daughter. Maybe these would be a good project for her to work on. Maybe some pink ones for the granddaughters. :) Thank you for sharing and bringing back some fond memories.

BajaManna said...

Crocheting is a real lifesaver when it comes to making stuff quickly. When you have a chance to get back to knitting, look at a Youtube tutorial on continental knitting - it's much quicker than the standard American method, and more intuitive for crocheters. I LOVE that green cowl!

Rebecca said...

Rozy~ I should have thought of that! I will next time.

Leah T.~ how about you bring the baby over and *I* will hold him while you knit and we chat. It's been ever so long since I held a baby!

Anne- that is so great! My sister had a pair made for her granddaughter in lavender and black- so yeah, girly ones are pretty cool too!

Anna- so knitting in general is a more time-consuming craft than crocheting? I just thought it was me!

Leah T. said...

I would be at your house in a split second if we were closer! We've got to get together again one way or another! :)