Wednesday, January 08, 2014

On the 11th Day of Christmas...

The Dolls had a jolly time at their own Dollhouse Christmas.

The (real) children made little presents and baking treats (and wrapped them and put them under the tree) for the doll family to enjoy and the (real) Mama surprised them all (dolls and children, both) with a new string of lights for the Christmas tree.  (The old one having succumbed to chubby toddler fingers long ago...)

Hard at work in the kitchen, Dorothy has no idea there is a baby sneaking under the Christmas tree in the living room.
Naughty baby...they never can wait, can they?
a truck for the boys... they were delighted.
So was he, but being older, was able to maintain his excitement in a more "playing it cool" fashion.

a new alphabet book
A new blanket.  (Bedhead is THE WORST, isn't it?) 
and a string of pearls for Grandma.

you should have seen the state of the house AFTER the party...

The dolls had gifted each of the children an itty bitty Reese's cup.  Adele' thought it was time for feasting when I said "One more picture."  HA!

(PS.  I got a few dollhouse presents for next year under the Christmas tree at Michaels for 80% off so the dolls will be getting a bright red metal hobby horse and a fancy shmancy red wall mirror (both .59 cents) for Christmas next year!  Shhh!  Don't tell!)


  1. how sweet! What fun!!! :)

  2. What a wonderful tradition! And a great way to get the kids into the habit of making gifts. What wonderful surprises you found for next year!

  3. I have been loving the 12 days of Christmas. Today, with the dollhouse post, it really made my day! Such lucy children and dollhouse people.

  4. What an awesome idea! I LOVE it!! Methinks my girlies and I need to have a dollhouse day..Maybe if I actually sit down and play with them it might spark more of an interest, especially for my dolly lover :)

  5. Elizabeth~ I have found that these Dollhouse 'holidays' really re-introduce the fun of the dollhouse when things begin to get 'stale' so YES- DO!

    (And making sculpey food, especially, is tons of fun!)

  6. Hours of play! I love dollhouses.


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