Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Hair That Sparkles (A Lilla Rose Review and GIVEAWAY!!!)

I am a girl that loves sparkle.  I wear sparkly shirts, I sport plenty of costume jewelry (the only kind I can afford!  A-hem.) and I try to glam it up as best I can, as often as I can.  That is, when I am not hauling buckets of water to the barn or digging potatoes by hand or wearing Matt's insulated coveralls because I hate the cold but still must be in it.    I have to be that kind of girl too.  But...the girl INSIDE the coveralls...SHE loves to sparkle!

So when my friend Leah asked me to review one of her Lilla Rose Flexi-clips, I jumped at the chance.

Have you seen them before?


She asked me which I would like to review and then waited (patiently!) for DAYS while I tried to decide.  Tried, of course, being the operative word.

First it was the Flower Blossom Medley, then the Princess Tiara, then the Hues of Blues.  But the Princess Tiara sure is pretty.... OH!  Look at the Rich, Multi-color Copper one!  And well....these decisions are HARD to make.

In desperation, I used the shut your eyes and point method to finally pick one already decide.

I ordered the Hues of Blues and anxiously awaited it in the mail, a little treat for myself.  A little glam for the Mama.

And then, I got it in the mail and my girl swooped in outta nowhere and snatched it from me!  (Now, I am sure glad that God chose to give me girls to dress up and do girlie things with...but someone should have warned me about how they grow up and try to steal YOUR pretties!)

I will have to be content to share.  (Practice what I preach and all that.)


These Lilla Rose flexi-clips are so stunning...every single one of them. (And there is quite a selection to choose from!)  They can dress up even the most ordinary t-shirts and pants kind-of day or they can take your nice outfits up a notch or two more.  But the best part about them is that under that girlie, glamour facade- they are downright rugged

Like a country Mama wearing coveralls and scooping manure and then putting on heels for a date night.  Rugged, with a bit of glam.


These clips actually stay PUT.  And so does your hair!

And that is just what I want.  Because when I am hovering over the stove on jelly-making day and my hands are sticky up to my elbows...I want my hair to stay clipped back like it's supposed to.  And when I am working in the garden, hands brown from weeding- I don't want to have to swipe my face a million times to get stray hairs out of my face.  Maybe this is just a 'me' thing, but I don't think so.

Now, check out some of the things you can do with a flexi-clip:

Let me tell you about my friend Leah.  You must know two things about her. No, three.

1) She is a farmer's wife so she knows a thing or two about hard work  (and manure). She and I both detest hair getting in the way of our duties.  (We both love Lilla Rose.)

2) She has an enviable head of hair. Hers is so thick, so wavy, so LOOOONG.  This is where we differ.  Mine is very thin and fine and short (*sniff*) and pathetic and...did I mention fine?  ugh.  The flexi-clips come in different sizes- a whole huge range- so that people she likes of she and me will both be covered in the rugged, hair glam department.  In fact, they even have a special video to help you determine what size you would need~ right on their website! It is very helpful.  (We can both WEAR Lilla Rose!)

3) She bought a few flexi-clips for herself and her girls for Christmas and loved them so much, she decided to become a consultant!  That right there, speaks of the quality of these flexi-clips.

You really must check them out!

Here is their February Flexi-of-the-Month~

My friend, the lovely Independent Consultant Leah Terry, who gave me one to review,  will also be giving one away to one of YOU just in time for a little Valentine's Day treat to yourself (or someone you love...if you are kinder than I)!  The winner may choose one-flexi-clip of their choice, up to a $16.00 value.

This Giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada.

It closes on Valentine's Day.

But wait!  There's more!!!

If you are BRAND NEW to Lilla Rose and you order 3 items, you will get an additional item (up to $16 value) for free. Do not order the free one on your order. Leah will order that for you. You may contact her at
Just a quick note: If you have been or are currently a customer with Lilla Rose through another consultant, please be loyal and continue to order with her. This offer is for brand new Lilla Rose customers or Leah's current customers only.  She appreciates your understanding in this matter – and I’m sure your sweet consultant does too! (You can always contact her, explain Leah's offer and ask if she would honor it, but please keep in mind it would be at her discretion.) If you have any questions regarding this offer, please don’t hesitate to contact Leah,

But wait!  There is STILL MORE!

Leah is throwing in something else to "sweeten the pot".  She will be giving away a set of Heart Bobby Pins to one person who orders an item between now and Feb 14th. If you buy something during that time- you are automatically entered to win!

Soooo....what are you waiting for???



  1. I like the copper and green one... but the hair sticks are tempting too. :)

  2. I have handfuls of these, bobbies, clips and headband love Lila rose! But be careful of the sizing they work great if you order the right size for what you want.

  3. If someone happens to order the wrong size, Lilla Rose will happily exchange the item for *free* within 90 days of the date purchase! :)

  4. I bought several of these for my girls and myself for Christmas and am really enjoying them. I also have a few out for exchange since my size guesses were only right about 75% of the time. :)

    The purple butterfly is one of my favorites.

  5. I like lots of them, but the roman stone sapphire light would be one for my oldest whose birthstone is blue topaz!

  6. I like the cameo appearance!

  7. Princess Tiara Dangle & Tidepool Treasures are my favs!

  8. ahhh so hard
    the Chinese new year one for the little one a friend just adopted.
    the turtle for my turtle loving daughter
    the blue one like Rebecca!!!!!!!!
    the one with the cross just as a reminder to ME.....
    sooo beautiful, I'm mentally spent like 200$ in my

    celina from Virginia

    celina dot Jamie at Comcast dot net

  9. The Large Celtic Cross Flexi Clip - beautiful!

  10. I love them all but my favorite is definitely the Fancy Blossom Dangle!!!
    If I win (please let me win :) I'd be very skeptical about these gorgeous clips. I have a big heavy and thick mane of hair, nothing I've tried can hold all of it up in a pony tail. I usually break my clips the first time I use them.

  11. I love the simple band with nickel finish. (I think I go the name right!) My hair is so slippery - I would love something that could successfully hold it up. And I've heard such great things about Lilla Rose!

  12. I love the flower medley the most but they are all really pretty. I have had my eye on one for awhile.

  13. Jennifer K12:31 PM

    I like the princess tiara dangle one! So pretty!

  14. Carla Z.12:38 PM

    I love the Tidepool Treasures clip...gonna have to get one for sure!

  15. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Roman Stone Light Saffire :-)
    Melissa Donovan, SC

  16. Stephanie S11:24 PM

    Thanks for this opportunity. My girls love Lilla Rose, and have use birthday and Christmas money to buy them. I've never gotten one for myself as I'm growing my curly hair back out. I really like the simple line in Black nickel.

  17. They are very pretty. I really liked the Hues of Blues. Very elegant.

  18. I love the Scrollwork Heart!

  19. Oh my goodness, my sister-in-law LOVES these and just gave Honey one for her birthday- it's really nice!
    As far as a favorite wow, I have lots. Probably: circle Stone-set Emerald, Freestyle Princess Tiara, open flower Jet, Interlocking Vines, Simple Band gold, and there I'll stop. I should be washing dishes instead of drooling over hair clips.

  20. Oooh, the flexi clips are so cute! I think 2-0744 Princess Tiara is my favorite! Thank you for the giveaway!

  21. I think the purple stone cluster is lovely and it is my daughters favorite
    color' Thanks for doing the giveaway


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