Thursday, March 20, 2014

Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real (And Yummy)




Shades of gray looming above hilltops.
Fluttering wings by birdfeeders.
Waxflowers that just won't die.  I got them weeks ago and they persist.  Wonderful, magical, everlasting flowers!


 Penny getting a good brushing in the fresh, crisp air.
A big sister that spoils an almost-twin with a bike 'ride'.
The first shoots of green...thank you, Lord.

~ Yummy~

Soft pretzels with jalapeno mustard


During rest time when Adele' and Judah are in their respective rooms and I am at the computer, I overhear this conversation across the halls~ in which Judah was trying to strike up a conversation when it was SUPPOSED to be quiet time. 
He tries several times (in vain) to get her to talk to him and then says...

" Adyay, don't you love me?" (Judah)
"Yes.  I yove you vewy, vewy much." (Adele)
"Den why won't you TALK to me?" (Judah)

~ Real~

  I finished our first batch of maple syrup of the season!  And like a little girl I must add….”all by myself!”  Technically, I *thought* I had finished my first batch last week but when Gary (my father-in-law and the syrup master himself) came over and saw it he laughed and pointed out several things ‘wrong with it’.

The conversation went something like this:

Rebecca, as I hand over the jar of syrup for oogling: “Look!  I finished our first syrup of the season!”

Gary: “Oh wow.  That’s good. “ 


Gary : “It’s a bit thin.  Did you boil it enough?”

Rebecca, deflated: “Well…I thought so.”

Gary: “And you really should filter it more to get out that sugar sand…maybe I will bring you over a filter.”
Rebecca, out loud: “Oh.  Okay.  I’ll boil it down more with my next batch. And I’ll be sure to filter it better.  Thanks for the advice.”
Rebecca, in her mind : “Leave now, Gary.  LEAVE NOW.  And take your stinkin’ syrup critiquing with you, Mister.”
round button chicken


  1. Aww. What a sweet conversation. I love it. Your syrup looks perfect on this side of the monitor. I'm sure, like everything else, it will only improve the more you do it. Have a great weekend!

  2. I see green leaves!!! We still have snow on the ground. And temps are struggling to get above freezing. :/ Spring will arrive one of these days, I hope. LOL

    Yum! The pretzels look delicious! Would you be willing to share the recipe?

    And the syrup! Oh, how we miss homemade maple syrup!


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