Wednesday, April 23, 2014







The day before Easter I had the realization that though the crocheted dresses for the girls were done, slips would be necessary for underneath.  I went to town, hunting through stores and stores only to find that the days of slip wearing girls have long since past and I never got the memo.  Everyone I asked raised eyebrows and wondered at the craziness of the curious lady wondering about a (what was it?) slip.  Some even laughed.  Out loud.  So that night I was forced to figure SOMETHING out which led to me converting a tanktop to Adele's slip and a slip of my own into one for Corynn while every now and again glancing up to watch Man of Steel into the wee small hours of the evening/morning.

Easter was a mad dash to get potatoes sliced for scalloping, egg yolks plucked for devilling, French bread rolled for baking, dust bunnies swept and furniture polished for being inviting, chairs brought in for sitting and plastic eggs scattered for finding.  We rushed out of church to get home before our guests arrived and to get the oven warmed up in time.  Though rushed on the outside, my insides were calm and peaceful.  The Lord reigns.  Oh death, where is thou sting?  He lives.

Needless to say, I got very few pictures of our Easter- only four...of my mom and my brother and my husband-love and the blueberry pie that wasn't quite sweet enough.  All other pictures were taken today by a very patient group of children who were told to put on their Easter things so I could take pictures.  "And for goodness' sake, don't act cold!" 

Even though, of course, it was cold.  Very cold, indeed.

This was the pattern I used for the dresses, though a word of warning- opt for a bigger size than you think you'll need and keep adding on rows at the bottom until you get to the length you prefer because the pattern (in my experience anyway) produced much more of a tunic than a dress and was certainly on the small size.  I worried that Adele's might not even fit her after it was done!)  The bow ties were easy peasy too...I didn't follow a pattern but here is quite a selection of patterns to choose from.

I am not sure what project to get started/finished next and will wait until inspiration strikes.  In the meantime, I am busy reading An Everlasting Meal: Coking with Economy and Grace.  Hope you had a wonderful Easter.


  1. Rebecca, those dresses are beautiful! Great job and all of the children looked wonderful. I had to laugh at the "Don't look cold." remark. Love the peachy color.

  2. Yes, slips meant modesty and we know that has gone the way of the dinosaur. You did an absolutely beautiful job on the dresses. You are obviously a woman of many talents. Your boys look very preppy and adorable.

    Happy belated Easter.

  3. Those dresses are beautiful! And, the ties-super cute! I expected no less! No slips? Modesty, where have you gone? Sigh.

  4. my girls are aged 16 and 30. if they were still little i would absolutely make that dress for them.


  5. Oh My Goodness! I love the dresses and ties. Thank you so much for sharing them and thanks to your children who did not act cold while posing! I love that you punted with the slips. Necessity, mother of invention and all that!

  6. The dresses were stunning both the pattern and the colour. Just loved the bowties I have been looking for a pattern for my daughters wedding, so thank you.

  7. Anonymous3:23 PM

    A few years back when my sister and her husband were visiting, she laughed that I was wearing a slip under my skirt as we were getting ready for church....I guess up until then I still thought that was the norm.....still is for me by the way :) My very first "bra" was one my mom fashioned out of one of her old slips by cutting off the top and hemming it. Amazing what we can accomplish using what we have. As always enjoy your pics and stories. Blessings always, Janet

  8. Love the dresses and the ties. I remember a few very cold Easters!

  9. Mrs. Bowen8:01 PM

    Wonderful Easter outfits! Very sweet :)

  10. Anonymous1:44 AM

    your andrew, standing in that picture with his sibs?
    unbearably adorable.


  11. I absolutely love the first photo! Blue jars!!! <3 Swoon! Your children looked sooo sweet, Rebecca! LOVERLY!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Blue jars, flowers, pretty dresses (such talent), oh so cute bowtie, and pink cheeks! So glad you had a happy Easter! Christina

  13. I wanted to tell you how much I loved those dresses, but you rushed away too quickly on Sunday! They were the sweetest, Corynn and Adele looked utterly fetching, and if I had girls, I'd totally make the same thing! (Ulp. Wait. I DO have five girls. Maybe this is why I'll never make them the same thing...)

    You make such lovely things. Well done!

  14. p.s. Loved the bow ties, too, but the boys veered more toward "handsome" instead of "fetching."

  15. These are great! You did a beautiful job. I love the ties, too.

  16. Oh Rebecca! The dresses are lovely and I feel your pain where slips were concerned, lol. I too laughed at your 'Don't act cold!" statement to your models. They are troopers, lol.

    I bought that book recently myself. I haven't started it yet...but I will soon.

  17. As a girl who still wears slips...Goodwill or your nearest equivalent will be the spot to get them! Lovely vintage cambrics, linens, and the ubiquitous polys. :)

  18. I had a wonderful time, thank you thank you thank you for hosting! :)

  19. Hi Rebecca! I came to your blog by way of The Prudent Homemaker. I just wanted to first say I really enjoy your blog!

    The dresses and bow ties are FABULOUS! I crochet (far from expert) and have a two year old granddaughter that I would love to make a dress for. Thanks for the push!!


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