Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Yarn Along: One Done


I am continuing to listen to Mornings On Horseback by David McCullough on audiobook whenever I have the chance.  In book form, I have set aside anything more substantial for a walk in a garden.  I just borrowed An Amish Garden from the library.  It is essentially an Amish woman's diary of her garden through the year with plenty of eye-candy photos to boot.  It is lovely to look through. 

And someday, I intend to publish a book just like this.  Minus the Amish part.  ;-)

The knitted cable purse is done!  I originally planned to buy handles to make it more purse-like but couldn't find anything that suited me.  I opted to, instead, save my money and make my own strap and turn it more into a messenger bag.

I lined the purse with fabric that I already had on hand but it went so well, I thought a ruffle at the top would give a nice textural distinction and show off the fabric a bit.

I made pillowcases for my mother-in-law from this fabric for Christmas a few years ago so now I guess this purse matches her bed!  ;-) 

I haven't decided yet whether I ought to keep this for myself or give it away.  It is an awfully sunshine-y purse and I know lots of people who could use some sunshine in their lives. 

Now that the purse is done, Corynn's crocheted Easter dress can be given full priority.  Only a few more weeks, after all.


  1. Keep it, it's lovely! That lining fabric is fantastic! Looks like Liberty of London's stuff (which is upwards of (gasp) $20 a yard!!!), I love it. I've had that book out from the library too, and while I for some reason couldn't get into reading it through (just read bits here and there) you are certainly right about the eye candy. I'm going to have to look for it at the library tomorrow. Well done!

  2. Oh my!!! That purse is BEAUTIFUL!!!! :D Great job! I'm greedy about your FREE library knitting lessons! :)

  3. Love the color and it is super cute with the ruffle!

    I think my crocheting is done for the season. To much to do outside now, unless I find something cute to make with a cotton yarn/thread.

  4. The yarn and the fabric look awesome together. It is a very happy bag.

  5. Lovely book! I checked that out and thoroughly enjoyed it. Beautiful job on the purse!:) can't wait to see the dress!:) Christina

  6. It came out beautiful! Lining the bag really makes a difference. Giving it away would be a lovely gesture and I'm sure very appreciated by the recipient.

  7. Way to go!
    Audiobooks are the best to have on while you work. You need Audible, really. You would love it. I was hesitant, but I use it everyday.
    I'm a big McCullough fan too. I thrifted Truman, so that is next.

  8. You absolutely need to keep it..You are often doing for others, it's nice to do something just for ourselves for once. Besides, although you won't be needing your peacoat much longer this season, it will match SPLENDIDLY! ;) It's meant to be you see! :)

  9. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I could not give this away! It's adorable! Perfect for spring!

  10. You greedy, greedy girl...


    We all know how few (if any) things you make and keep for your very own self, so unless the Father prompts you to pass it along to someone in particular, my vote's for enjoying its sunshine on the arms that knitted it.


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