What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Rising Up

When I arrived home from my weekend away, I wasn't sure what to expect.    I hoped that the children and Matt would have plenty of play time but I also hoped that Matt would be able to eek out a bit of time to do some work (the kind that he enjoys...)

On the off chance that He was looking for something to do (ha!), I scratched out a list of a few smallish jobs that I needed his help on in the future... you know, in case he was bored.  (As if watching and providing for four children for an entire weekend for the first time ever wasn't enough to do!)

He had never done anything like this before.  I had never done anything like this before.  I didn't know exactly what to expect and I must admit, I was a bit nervous.  My only real hope was that everyone had not only survived but that everyone (Matt included!) actually ENJOYED themselves....that it would be a time more sweet than stressed.

I never once thought about the house being clean or the dishes being done.   I figured after a luxurious weekend away, I would be ready to roll up my sleeves and get things back in order.

But as I walked into the house on Sunday night~ the dining room table was cleared off from dinner and wiped clean.  The living room was tidy.  The counters in the kitchen were bare and the kitchen sink was SCRUBBED pearly white.  Scrubbed!

The next morning, the children gave me the 'tour' of all the changes while I was away...including some of that Honey-Do list I had jokingly scribbled out.

He roto-tilled the old pumpkin patch and cut-flower garden.

Ahhh- fresh tilled soil.  As healthy as no-till garden soil is, I sure do love the look of a freshly tilled spot of earth.

This is the closest thing to a picture that I could find of the spot before hand.  The front part is the asparagus- the back half (you know, the spot that looks like overgrown grass) was the part he rototilled.

Before, the rhododendron was buried in burdock.  He weedwacked the burdock for me so I could see that the rhodo was actually blooming!

Some friends gave us a large tent for free.  It needs to be repaired in places but not so much that they couldn't set it up and enjoy it.  Though this particular picture doesn't seem like they are!  hehehe

He also put up the garden fence for the tomatoes.  Instead of cages (which I loathe) and stakes (which never hold up for me for some reason) I intend to weave the tomatoes through the fencing.  It's an experiment.  (I'll let you know how it goes.)

The first hurdle was realizing that a 50 ft. long roll of fence was just enough for one pass through the width of the garden.  (I was hoping for four rows worth of fencing!)  I guess the garden is bigger than I thought!  I bought one more roll but that was where the budget stopped.  The rest of the plants will be staked or caged with what I have lying around from last year.

He even had time to finish the roofing to the addition during the littles' rest time!  I should note that he re-used the steel roofing from the old, fallen down middle barn which, from what we've been told, would make that steel almost 100 years old!

And if you look close- he is preparing for the next step:

walls and WINDOWS! 

I realized a few things after my return.  One of which is that I don't give Matt enough credit.  

He is fully capable. He is wonderfully considerate.  He can really rise up to the occasion.  He completely exceeded my wildest expectations.  He fit work, play and even thoughtfulness into the weekend.

He is just the dearest man.  


Julian said...

My man is the same. We are so blessed!;)

JenniferM said...

Looks like a great weekend was had by all!

I've done the tomato weaving and was pleased with the results. I'd recommend a taller fence, though. We went across our tomato patch twice vertically for about 6 ft height and I still had to weave all the way up and then a bit back down as the part we let grow reached the top of the 6 ft of fencing.

Stefanie said...

Way to go Matt!!!

terricheney said...

How nice to come home to so many nice surprises. I am sure he got his reward of hugs, kisses and compliments.

beth said...

and not too hard on the eyes, either. ;)