Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Another Judah-ism

Corynn : Have school buses been around for a long time?

Me: Oh, they've been around for a while.  They were around when I was a girl.

Judah:  You are a girl.

Me:  When I was a YOUNG girl.

Judah:  You ARE a young girl! 

Me: (chuckling by now)  When I was a young girl in SCHOOL.

Judah:  You ARE a young girl in school!  

Ah yes, we homeschool.  Which means, I guess I am still very much in the midst of school.

 Wise beyond his three years, that boy is.


  1. Anonymous4:50 PM

    That makes me think of Little Women. The dressing up, the siblings bonded to one another. I think you live a beautiful life.

  2. He's so cute and I always love his facial expressions!

  3. ditto what both Anonymous and Terri said. beautiful.

  4. hahahahahahaha so funny!!!
    He is kinda cute too ;) which I am sure helps get him out of trouble sometimes ;)

  5. Take those compliments and RUN!!! :)


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