Thursday, July 17, 2014

This Week In the Garden

I went to throw something in the dumpster right outside of a greenhouse only to discover hundreds of plants had just been dumped there!   Mostly peppers, I grabbed 10 packets- some quite beautiful with peppers ON them- making 60 pepper plants for free!  All of them were spicy peppers so I found homes for some of them.
He had just woken up and come outside to find me in the flower circle, when in a sleepy daze he got the wagon.  I think it is funny that he immediately started lugging around a wagon, even in a sleep stupor.  Boys do things like that, I guess.

Then he saw me- and he did that perfect Judah grin at me.  When he smiles- he REALLY smiles. Golly, I love this boy.


24 pepper plants
a butterfly bush I bought at an auction for $3.00
transplanted calendula plants that self-sowed last year.
transplanted a teeny patch of corn about to be buried in squash to the rest of the corn patch

Worked on:
tied up another level of tomato stakes (they are growing fast!)
thinned beets and kale
surrounded bean plants with coffee grounds and pepper plants with crushed eggshells

flowers for the house
flowers for gift bouquets
summer squash
swiss chard

bacon and swiss chard pizza
sweet pan chili with swiss chard and peppers
fresh broccoli and summer squash with ranch dip

Put Up:
 swiss chard


  1. that pizza sounds amazing. and photos for a '15 calendar abound! just sayin'...

  2. love the peppers - amazing!!!

    your children are gorgeous :)

    love your garden ....... simply stunning

    and that pizza looks amazing!!!

  3. beautiful, and soooo much more productive than my little patch has been this year. And, hmmmm...dumpster by the greenhouse....perhaps I should bookmark that for future refernece when I am at the nursery :) I love to see your sweet children and the glimpses into your life - my children are all grown, but now I have my first wee grandbaby to introduce to the wonders of God's creation, and your blog is a continuing inspiration!


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