Thursday, January 29, 2015

Winter Woods


I've been trying to kick myself out of doors more these days, knowing that my tendency in winter is to curl up and hibernate, and recognizing the need to get some crisp, fresh air into these lungs of mine.

Filling up your lungs with air helps you breathe.

So, I bundle up myself and these chickadees of mine and we go wandering about in the woods.  Which is an amazingly fascinating trip after a freshly fallen snow.  Tracks and traces of animals everywhere- scurrying about all around us but completely undetected.  A whole forest, teeming with invisible life.  The resting spots of deer, snow melted where their warm bodies lay.  Scurrying feet, in all sizes, from one spot to another and stopping to dig down under the snow to find something to eat.  Perfect holes in dead trees where birds feasted.  Life- all around us.

It makes us feel quite small and the world, unbelievably vast, to realize that we Newmans are not the only ones living on this hill~ in fact, we are quite outnumbered.  It's a big, lively world out there.  In our woods, under our feet, over our heads.   All around.  And to think- God sees it all.

What an amazing thought.


  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    It looks like something out of a fairy tale :).

    I love your pictures. Thank you for sharing them.

  2. Anonymous1:30 PM

    It looks like everyone is having fun.

  3. Have the children learned which animals made which tracks yet?

  4. Great stuff Rebecca. We really like winter walks in the woods too.

  5. "whose woods these are i think i know…"

    peaceful & lovely. happy winter to you and yours!


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