Wednesday, April 08, 2015



I have only pictures of leftovers after our Easter celebration!  We had several extra people and so I spent the time immediately after church and before guests arrived preparing the food and getting the house ready.  By the time I had all the food arranged on the island and everything picture perfect, people had arrived and gone straight to the snacking before dinner portion.  Then, everyone stuffed their bellies with good food and were too full for my homemade cheesecake.  Either that, or it was secretly disgusting.  The worst travesty was that most of that cheesecake went to our chickens-either that or it would wind up on my hips.  Mental note- next year for dessert I will make angel food cake.

Would you believe it snowed on Easter?  SO DEPRESSING.  The great egg hunt possibilities were not able to be spread out among the many great hiding spots in our yard but rather confined to just our living room.  Hiding five dozen eggs (a dozen per child) in one room is...interesting, let's just say.  I got no pictures of us in our Easter duds but no matter- we'll be wearing the same things next weekend at the party for my parents' anniversary.  I hope to get a picture then.  Not that I made any of the clothing this year as I like to do- no, I actually bought new stuff for the most part.  Salvation Army new, that is, or from the clearance rack at Burlington Coat Factory...but new to us, just the same.

It seems like every year the children have worn out their church shoes terribly by this time, so they always manage to get new church shoes for the coming year at Easter.  Everyone felt particularly spiffy in their new, sotrebought duds.

After our guests had left and I was cleaning up, I mentally moved Easter from the To Do to the Done With list.  I hate that it was something I was happy to see done with but this past month has been extremely busy with all extra stuff, leaving not very much time even to do the ordinary, every day things I must do.  We haven't had a fabulously productive, get everything done on our list day of schooling in over two weeks.  The upstairs office is unrecognizable.  It's so bad, apparently, that a cleaning lady left a message on my answering machine last week saying that my mother and father in law had suggested I may need her services!  Ha! Now that is a sign, if ever there was one.

Only one more event on the calendar to get through and then, I hope things will begin to return to our own, comfortable, every day normal.

My parents' anniversary reception on Saturday!

This week is filled right up with preparations and prettyness and little details.  I'll show you some sneak peeks tomorrow!   The closer we get to it, the more excited I become.


  1. Whatdya think? I can't wait to see you all on Saturday!!!!

  2. It's all lovely!

  3. I love those little bread chicks!

    Also, I have to say it--
    I can't believe no one else commented on you THROWING CHEESECAKE TO THE CHICKENS!!!!!!!

    Rebecca! It's CHEESECAKE!

    Hips, shmips. There is no excuse for such a travesty. (Surely your childrens' hips wouldn't mind, at least?)


Whatdya Think?