Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Ruby Anniversary

Pictures from my parents' 40th anniversary party last weekend~ many of these photos taken by a kind camera thief. 

 Thank you Ellen!

Gotta love the No Stabbings part


My beautiful sister in the kitchen.  She was the gal behind the beautiful wedding cake too!

There was entertainment too!  Quite a few songs sung or played on the piano... the children giving the best kind of gifts.

Singing Psalm 100 for my parents.  I love how Judah's hands are in his pockets and Adele is so nervous she is staring me down.
Cassandra singing LET IT GO.  

Mom sang to Dad too!
I had high hopes for getting a few formal group shots- and especially one of my whole family together- it so often doesn't happen!  But, alas...'twas not to be.  A few siblings had left at this point and we were all too beat (and the wind was too cold!) to do any 'formal' shots.

I love them.


  1. You look amazing and love the pic of your husband and son through the doors

  2. Sweet loving family and wonderful tribute for them!

  3. What a wonderful celebration!

  4. Hurrah! This is what I was hoping to find on here!!!

    I am so impressed by how well you and Elizabeth pulled everything off. The decorations and cake and little touches are all beautiful! Best of all, your parents look so happy through it all. That last string of photos of your parents, particularly the third one up in which your Mom is laughing, is so precious.

    Bless you both for the untold hours you labored to create this day for them. A day in which to celebrate marital love, not the easy romantic kind, but the gritty, hard, faithful love of such a long marriage, is a rare creature these days. May God uphold them for many more years together, through every bend in the path.

  5. Beautiful! Wow! Very nice job! I also liked the picture of your husband and son . Your parents look so happy! Have a restful weekend! Christina

  6. Absolutely beautiful! GREAT job Rebecca and Elizabeth!

  7. Your parents are just beautiful and amazing! They look like the kind of people I want to be when I grow up. Fantastic job on the party!

  8. And I just have to the zero stabbing referring to anything or just to be funny?

  9. How lovely...and how happy your mom and dad look. I especially love the photo of the you and your mom laughing together.

  10. Happy anniversary to your parents!!!!
    What a beautiful reception you gave them! Everything looks so lovely. I also love your Mum's outfit - very pretty!!
    I had to laugh at the 0 stabbings! :)

    Rebecca, did your Mum and Dad have foster children while you were at home? If so could I email you with some questions ( we are knee deep in precious foster kiddos at the moment, but I'm finding some interesting reactions from my four).

  11. How blessed you all are!! Parents, children, grandchildren... all of you.


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